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Avoiding the corporate spread: Tips for exercising at work

En: You’ve just finished writing your New Year’s resolutions on the front of your new daily planner when you find yourself sitting back at your desk with an empty feeling that seems a bit like the inevitable winter wonderland retreat . Boost your motivation and get the creativity flowing by turning your workspace into a mini-retreat with these tips for staying active in the office.

Step one: warm up

Every good workout begins with a series of gentle exercises to wake up your muscles. An easy way to increase circulation and take your alertness to a whole new level is to start your day on the right foot (or left foot), take the stairs.

Get a natural energy boost first thing in the morning without caffeine. Whether you’re walking all the way up to your desk or just taking the first three flights, hoof walking increases blood flow to your brain. Do you feel tired after a few floors? Lean forward slightly and balance your weight on the balls of your feet for added resistance.

Step Two: The Stretch

Keep the energy flowing by lengthening the muscles while they are still warm. Sit nice and upright in your office chair, tucking in your stomach for stability. Depending on how strong your abs are, you can either rest your hands on your desk or hold on to the sides of your chair.

One at a time, lift each leg directly in front of you under your desk, alternately flexing and pointing your feet as you inhale for eight seconds and exhale for eight seconds. Before lowering your leg, roll in then out from the hip twice each.

Do the same with your arms by lifting them out to the side, flexing the wrist, and rotating them back and forth at shoulder height. Then roll your shoulders, alternating back and forth, to release tension in your neck.

Step Three: Muscle Groups

You can tone your calves, glutes, abs, and arms without leaving the office or standing up. When you can’t concentrate because you’re feeling restless or falling asleep, a few sit-ups and push-ups will be your ticket to getting back on task. Keeping these small movements will intensify the exercises and keep your coworkers in the dark about what you are doing.

Take off your shoes and lower the chair until your knees are comfortably bent at right angles. Then slide forward in your seat until your kneecaps are over your toes. Work your calf muscles by bouncing on the balls of your feet until you feel tired. As before, you can keep your hands on your desk or hold on to the side of your chair depending on how your core muscles feel. Place a phone book or dictionary on your lap or rest your hands on your thighs for added resistance.

While your chair is low and your feet are bare, pay some attention to your butt. Slide a little closer to the edge of your chair and begin to stand up, resting your forearms on the desk as if you were leaning over to take a closer look at something. As soon as your butt lifts off the seat, pause and hold the position. Squeeze the muscles three times and sit back down. Repeat until you feel tired.

Give your legs a little break and stretch your glutes while you work your abs and dissolve that little tummy bulge. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor, knees together and directly over your heels. Remain seated as you use your stomach muscles to lift your knees, and hold the position as you breathe in for eight seconds and out for eight seconds. Do it as many times as you can.

Finally, break the monotony of typing and “hovering” with some standard arm curls to shape your biceps and triceps. Still haven’t figured out how to attach hand weights to your tiny Kate Spade? Her desk tape dispenser is perfect for a few low-rep, high-rep sets.

Step Four: Cardio

Those stairs that got you started in the day will be your best friend when it comes to burning off nervous energy (and unwanted calories!) before a presentation or meeting. Instead of turning to coffee, tea, or soda, which will stain your teeth and fill you with caffeine and empty calories, when your energy level drops, take a brisk walk or jog up and down three flights of stairs. The more nervous or tired you are, the more stairs you will want to climb.

Review this series anytime you start to feel sluggish. If you start fighting the habitual cravings for the empty calories of sugary drinks and unnutritious snacks when you’re tired by substituting some form of physical activity at the office, the cravings will go away… and you’ll find energy you didn’t know you had.

* A version of this article originally appeared on longed for Los Angeles in January 2004.


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