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Arts Entertainments

Effective use of yellow sapphire in astrology

Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj, one of the most precious and auspicious stones representing the powerful planet Jupiter. This expensive yellow colored gemstone denotes courage and wisdom and is used to attract good fortune with blessings from Jupiter or Guru. It…

Numerology, Quantum Physics and Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a great teacher, philosopher, and mathematician in Ancient Greece. Thousands of years ago he said: “God geometrizes.” He also said: “Numbers are alive and are the creation tools of the Universe.” Furthermore, he gave the world the great…

Five different types of babysitters

There are good nannies, then there are exceptional nannies… When I was training in Miami, one of my teachers gave me some sage advice. She said “if you find a good babysitter, keep her, and never say a word about…

Lawyers fighting for the illegal firing of employees

Unfair dismissal is understood as the dismissal or unfair dismissal of a worker, which goes against labor laws. This law exists, providing security to workers who do not face severance pay or monetary compensation. If this is what is happening…

10 Ways Biometric Technology Can Make Your Workplace More Secure

Biometric technology is helping the workplace, as well as other places where highly valuable or sensitive data and products are stored. It doesn’t matter if you work in a factory or a doctor’s office, biometrics can make the people you…

writing as therapy

‘Paula’ is Isobel Allende’s novel about her daughter, a memoir written while her offspring was in a coma. Upon learning of Paula’s illness, Allende’s literary agent gave Isobel a wad of paper suggesting that she release her anguish so that…

"Cause I couldn’t stop for death" – A discussion of Emily Dickinson’s poem

Because I couldn’t stop because of Death –He kindly stopped for me –The Carriage endured but only Ourselves –and immortality. We drove slowly – He didn’t know the rushand I had savedmy work and also my leisure,For His Civility –…

dream master

I have been teaching psychic development and mediumship classes for 15 years, and I study the latest work from experts in the field so I can offer fun and innovative lessons to help my students tap into their intuitive abilities….

How to Remove Red Stains, Like Kool Aid, From Your Carpet

I was inspired to write this article by my 5-year-old daughter Jessica. Last weekend, she and her brother Justin had a couple of friends at our house as guests. My wife Laura, who seems to enjoy a house full of…

Forex Market Myths V – You can accurately predict market movements

Despite what some market gurus would have you think, you cannot know, with 100% certainty, what or when the market is going to do, the good news is that you don’t have to know to have a profitable career as…

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