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Health Fitness

3 exercises to reduce the size of the waist

I promise you, they have nothing to do with running for half an hour on the treadmill like a hamster. Also… no crunches, no crunches, no elliptical, no stair climbers. Basically none of that crap! I have much better exercises…

10 benefits of a gym workout to lose weight

Why a weight loss gym workout is all you need when you start exercising to lose weight. Working out in a gym can have many benefits and if you thought that a gym workout for weight loss was hard work…

Religion without science has no body – Science without religion has no soul

Science and religion have a part to play in equal measure in the life of mankind. One can not exist without the other. Science can give you a better body, better health, longevity; it can give you more comforts, all…

How to choose the best running shoes for flat feet

Running is an unfathomable way to stay grounded, and it comes with a not inconsiderable list of benefits. However, numerous sprinters face problems due to despicable footwear. If you have flat feet, it’s important to buy flat-footed running shoes to…

Health Fitness

Cremă de corp cu unt de shea și ulei de argan

Cremă de corp cu unt de shea Untul de shea a fost folosit de generații pentru a hidrata, reduce cicatricile și nuanța neuniformă a pielii. S-a demonstrat că ajută la prevenirea pielii uscate, a mătreții, a leziunilor solare, a eczemei…

5 dangers of bulimia that could kill you

I suffered from bulimia for almost 10 years. I experienced many of its terrible side effects and was lucky to escape with my life. Many people never seek help for their bulimia and live with this illness for years, even…

High Intensity Training (HIT) – How effective is it?

If you want to reshape your body, weight training is a must. But it takes more than lifting light weights if you really want to make a significant change. It requires high-intensity training, or HIT as it’s often called, and…

Mistakes we make when reducing fat

Obesity has become such a global epidemic that every two people have a mindset that they have an increasing need to lose weight in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle with longevity. Sometimes trying to lose weight can get quite…

Weight Loss: What Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem Won’t Tell You

I could easily lose weight in my late teens and twenties. Lots of water and exercise and keeping my calorie total in check was all I really needed to focus on. When I was around 30 years old, I put…

5 quick and easy tips to lose weight

Are you looking for weight loss tips to help you lose weight fast or weight loss tips that will keep it off forever? There is a big difference. It is tempting to opt for the first type of tip. Looking…

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