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Legal Law

Contracts that do not need to be executed

1. INTRODUCTION: The contract is the result of mutual agreement between two or more parties. Similarly, the parties to the contract may agree to terminate the contract. 2. FALLING SECTIONS: Articles 62 to 67 of the Contract Law of 1872….

Not an A student? Write a great high school resume anyway

Writing your first, second, or even third high school resume isn’t easy. Nobody said it was. With that said, though, writing your first, second, or even third high school resume is probably easier than mastering some of the popular video…

History of Discrimination

Discrimination has a long history around the world. Most societies, especially the largest ones, have practiced some form and degree of discrimination. In fact, a notable trend (although by no means necessarily an always true law) is that larger societies…

Top 10 startup errors

The following review will provide a number of examples that every entrepreneur should try to avoid when starting a business. Some of the holes referenced below run parallel to bankruptcy. With this in mind, we strongly recommend that you carefully…

Appropriate Objections in a Deposition

Have you ever taken a statement and your opponent has continually made inappropriate objections? One after another: “Irrelevant”; “rumours;” “assumes facts that are not in evidence”, “asks for an opinion”. Hateful, isn’t it? Or even worse, a lawyer makes oral…

49-mile scenic drive in San Francisco

San Francisco is a lovely place. The whole city is like a popular theme park. “49-Mile Scenic Drive” is the best method to enjoy all the good places in this city. This driving course is very enjoyable for anyone with…

tips to resolve "illegal option" Error message in SCO UnixWare

A file system corruption error message stops the file system mounting process and does not allow your system to boot. Some of the main causes of file system corruption are improper system shutdown, metadata structure corruption, and software errors. Hard…

Student Loan Debt: The Next Big Bubble

Student loans are almost impossible to discharge in a bankruptcy. The legal standard for dismissal is “undue hardship,” but the legal code does not define what undue hardship actually is. So the judges of each district rule on it. They…

Locating financial assets and unclaimed abandoned property in Israel Search and location of real estate

In Israel, thousands of assets totaling approximately 15 billion Israeli shekels remain unclaimed. These unclaimed assets include land, developed real estate, bank accounts, stocks, and bonds. “Abandoned property” is defined in article 1 of the Law as property in respect…

The problem with patent due diligence in M&A and how to fix it

As a business or investment professional involved in mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”), do you perform patent due diligence in accordance with the standard practices of your M&A attorneys and investment bankers? When patents form a significant aspect of transaction value,…

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