Serving you through serving IT.


People who aren’t pets aren’t flawed, they just haven’t met the right pet yet!

I have been laughed at, patronized, and pitied by non-pets. I may have been irritated, frustrated, or upset, but now I feel sorry for them. No Pet-Peeps does not understand Pet-Peeps and vice versa. It’s not until that unexpected and…

Patellar Luxation aka Slipped Knee – Is Your Dog Predisposed?

For the most part, the Patellar Luxation, also known as the Slipped Stifle, is a fairly common toy breed and a genetic condition of small dogs. It can also be caused by trauma. It occurs when your dog’s “knee” joint,…

Enjoy a more valuable home with sustainable home improvements

Take a look around your house carefully. Do you require a change? Isn’t today’s home environment getting extremely monotonous? Well, if it is already getting depressing at home, then it is the right time to make a home improvement investment….

Raising swans is not as difficult as you think, if you know how

Breeding swans is not as difficult as you think. You only need to have a male and a female, a fresh body of water and food and you can start this venture. There’s a little more, but the basics are…

14 Amazing Facts That Explain Why Tortoiseshell Cats Are The Best Cats To Own

1. Tortoiseshell cats will always be female. Through genetics, tortoiseshell cats are most likely female. If you are looking for a male hawksbill, GOOD LUCK, they are very hard to find and highly sought after. “No wonder every tortoiseshell cat…

Dog Skin Allergies Caused by Dog Food

Has your dog been scratching or licking an area a lot recently? Perhaps the dog has even been biting and is starting to lose hair in some areas. If this is the case, then your dog may have an allergy….

How to prevent raccoons from drinking your pool water

With Memorial Day weekend finally here, pools everywhere are opening up and welcoming summer fun. But unfortunately, we are not the only ones interested in enjoying the fresh crystalline waters of our pools; so are raccoons. Surprisingly, raccoons love to…

A dog and his gallbladder

How many times have you thought about your dog’s gallbladder? If you’re like me, you probably didn’t even think a dog had a gallbladder and you certainly didn’t think a dog could have a gallbladder problem. However, dogs have gallbladders…

Not sure if he’s the one for you or not? These tips will help you make a decision

You are on top of the world because you are in love and you feel like everything is bright and there is sunshine everywhere without a hint of a cloud. You are immersed in the wonderful feeling of love that…

Toys for Cocker Spaniels

Dog toys come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The right toys will test your dog’s intelligence; Helps with teething and foot coordination. They also provide a great training tool if you have a chewer on your hands. Dogs…

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