Serving you through serving IT.


What to expect at a pet-friendly motel

Do you love your pet so much that you can’t leave it behind when you travel? You are in luck as there are many motels that allow pets. If this is your first time traveling with your pet, here’s what…

Do you want to know how to cut your own dogs nails? find out if you should

Do you want to know how to cut your dog’s nails? First, find out if you should! Here are 20 specific signs to help you decide. “How do I cut my own dog’s nails?” is the number one question heard…

Cocker Spaniel Doggie Scent – How To Stop It

Cocker Spaniel Doggie Scent – How To Stop It Have you ever walked into someone’s house and instantly realized they have a pet? Why, even though you have pets, your house doesn’t smell like a dog? What about your car?…

The guardian of your destiny

Sometimes your inner Astral Self tries to warn you that something is wrong. Your Astral Being is something like the “Guardian of your Destiny”. We all come into the world equipped with two things: a destiny and a Destiny. There…

Teacup Puppy Sale

Teacup puppies are the preferred choice for dog lovers who want a pet but don’t own a spacious bungalow or large residence. From the name itself we know that these are very small in size. They are not very tall…

Senior dog not accepting new puppy or dog? – Try this!

Older dogs will most likely eventually accept a new, younger dog. However, some won’t make joining their pack easy for the novice! As far as the older dog is concerned, the new puppy or dog must learn and earn her…

How to care for betta fish

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they beautiful with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” underwater. Although they have a…

Raise and care for sick puppies

Taking care of sick puppies is a very challenging task. As we all know, puppies are like newborn babies. You must know things about: crying when they are hungry, educating the puppies or teaching them the new environment. Tips and…

Rename your Greyhound Rescue

We have 2 animated rescue greyhounds named Angel and Ares. We adopted Angel from Greyhound Friends of North Carolina. We are in the midst of finalizing the adoption of Ares from Northeast Ohio Greyhound Rescue. When we received both greyhounds…

10 revealing facts about lions – The bravest cat

1. Lion Pride Lions tend to be quite social. They live in family groups called herds. A pride contains between 10 and 15 lions, most of which are females and cubs. Male lions, on the other hand, make up only…

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