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Month: June 2021

5 tips for easy puppy house training

The sooner you potty train your puppy, the better. You want to establish good habits from the beginning. And a dog that has never used the bathroom in the house will never consider the house as a place * to…

How to protect an interior wooden threshold

The thresholds are sometimes imperceptible. Not all doors have them and those that don’t always stand out. However, thresholds can be a good addition to a door, especially if the floor on both sides is distinctively different from the neighbor…

Carpet Cleaning: Tips for Choosing the Best Carpet Cleaner

When it comes time to have your carpet professionally steam cleaned, your first impulse will likely be to opt for the cleaner with the lowest prices. Be careful! Most of these companies have cut corners somewhere! When companies like these…

NFL Rule Rooney

The fact that the Washington Post continues to mention the NFL’s Rooney Rule when a minority candidate is interviewed for the Washington Redskins head coach job is a disservice and a slap in the face to affirmative action efforts everywhere….

Drive-ins, a thing of the past, or are they?

If you are like most of us, then you enjoy movies as much as anyone else. Well get ready to enjoy them even more as a family. I’m talking about Drive-In cinemas, you know, how people used to go in…

Book Review – Baby’s Name Countdown, by Janet Schwegel

Babble recently published his list of “The 33 Worst Famous Baby Names”, which included names like Tu Morrow (Rob Morrow’s daughter), Fifi Trixibell (Bob Geldof’s daughter), Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee’s son) and Kal-El. . (sound of Nicolas Cage). I was…

F-Zero Z for Wii: real, rumor, or fake?

F-Zero is one of Nintendo’s most popular racing titles. It has earned its name on almost every console with millions of titles sold for almost all of its major console games. F-Zero is a futuristic racing series in which more…


Why Should I Buy Kamagra 100mg Oral Jelly?

Buy Kamagra 100mg Oral Jelly One of the most requested after products by women are oral sex enhancers like Kamagra 100mg oral jelly. This is one of the few medications which have undergone medical trials. The pill contains 100mg of…

Portfolio Careers: Why a Part-Time Multi-Job Career is Ideal in Today’s Job Market

Who said you can only have one professional career? Considering the current state of the economy, portfolio careers seem to be the ideal type of career, as it offers an alternative outlet for many. This is especially true for young…

Health Fitness

Proton Therapy Locations | What You Need to Know

Things You Need to Know About Proton Therapy With the advancement of technology, people now have a new treatment for cancer tumors—proton therapy. Although the treatment has been used since the mid-1950s, it was only in 1988 that it received…

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