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Month: August 2021

17 Mile Cave, Idaho – Here are monsters

“The rich,” writes Michael Olmert, a professor at the University of Maryland, “have a tremendous influence on history.” Where they live and the things they own “dominate what we know about the past simply because good things last longer than…

The Perfect Cell Phone In America For 2018: The 13 Leading Smartphones

My best modern phone on the status list for 2018 featured well-known brands such as Apple, Samsung, and Google on the front page, but determining which smartphone to buy is also a challenge. To dig into a directory of my…

Hooray for the rightful Hall of Fame!

Yes, NBA. They did the right thing. “The Worm” will become a Hall of Famer (I hope) in August 2011. Baseball Hall of Fame, sham. Until Pete Rose is there, MLB Hall is illegitimate. I’m not a “Charlie Hustle” fan….

Are you contemplating a real beach vacation? Consider the ocean coast

With an atmosphere that says ‘come here’, you will definitely want to go to the sunny side of life here in Oceanside. San Diego County, California’s third-largest city, is the typical coastal region filled with serene ocean breezes, warm sandy…

What the authors can learn from the incredible story behind the movie THE ELEPHANT MAN

Movies, like books, sometimes have a humble beginning. Do you remember the movie The Elephant Man? It was a true story about a secondary phenomenon from the 19th century that was saved by a doctor portrayed in the film by…

Movies and Snacks: Finding Connections With Your Autistic Child

On the tv show Paternity, one of the characters, Max Braverman, is a boy with Asperger’s syndrome. Max displayed many of the classic traits of autism, including an obsession with specific issues. One of his areas of greatest interest was…

Automatic installations of turnkey Linux devices on virtual private servers

(Or how to set up a fully functioning Joomla, Drupal, LAMP, LAPP, Zimbra, Torrent, etc. server, in a couple of minutes) Turnkey Linux included a set of free Ubuntu-based applications. software devices which are mainly available for server-type usage scenarios,…

Drag Racing: the perfect launch

Drag racing, a competition between two cars that starts from a complete stop over a 1/4 mile (1,320 feet) distance, is heavily dependent on the first 60 feet of the race or launch. The technique used for launching varies greatly…

Parenting Tips: How To Help Your Fussy Eater Sleep Better With This Yoga Technique

Falling asleep comes naturally to many of us, but for many more it is not an easy task. Sleeping is pretty easy for me, but that could be because at the end of the day, I’m quite exhausted from a…

Taekwondo Forms: ATA, ITF, WTF

Taekwondo forms A “form” in Taekwondo is a series of choreographed movements, which can be performed with or without a weapon, for the purpose of interval cardiovascular training and the development of proper physical and mental technique. They are more…

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