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5 effective exercises for gynecomastia

The abnormal enlargement of a man’s breast is medically referred to as gynecomastia. This condition is commonly related to obesity, which is why non-surgical treatment for gynecomastia includes exercise and weight loss. The following are five effective exercises to reduce breast size and strengthen the chest:

1. Wind pulling

Stretch your arms in front of you with your palms facing the ceiling. From this position, make a fist and begin pulling as if you are pulling the wind towards you. Do this for two minutes and get some rest. Repeat this exercise now at a faster pace for another two minutes and so on until you reach your faster pace. This is a good stretching exercise before moving on to a more complex exercise.

2. Alternative crossing of hands

Place your arms forward with your palm down, open. Alternately place your hand over the other without touching it. Do this as fast as you can. This exercise is ideal to do for three minutes. It’s important to pause for a break while doing this exercise so you don’t strain your arm muscles. Repeat the alternate crossing of hands, this time; gradually raise your hand above your head as you do so.

3. Palm to palm exercise

With the palms of the hands folded as in a prayer position, push the bases of the palms firmly against each other. Repeat this exercise at any time of the day. You can do this exercise even while you are at work, it will not consume more than five minutes.

4. Chest arm (swimming)

The breaststroke is performed while the swimmer lies chest down in the water. Extend your arm in front of your head, palms touching and fingers closed. Keep your legs straight with your heels together and your toes pointing slightly to the sides. Rotate the palm of your hand outward and in a wide, wide motion. This action brings both arms to the sides, thus propelling the body forward. Bring your hands together under your chin and push them forward to repeat the movement. Simultaneously, lift your legs with your knees bent and extended while performing a frog kick.

5. Punching bag exercise (boxing)

With or without gloves, a punching bag exercise allows the chest muscles to be in motion. This promotes a faster metabolism and a rapid dissolution of fat deposits in the breast tissue. Ideally, this exercise is combined with a jump rope exercise. However, it may not be applicable if your weight may compromise the strength of your knees and other joints below your waist.

These exercises are intended to eliminate man boobs that are linked to obesity. Not all of the exercises listed above may apply to you. There are some other factors that lead to abnormal enlargement of breast tissue in men besides obesity. This could be a side effect of a prescription drug or it could be an indication of an underlying hormonal imbalance. However, these exercises are helpful in staying fit and healthy. It is considered the safest non-drug treatment for gynecomastia.


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