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6 Tips for Training Boxer Puppies

The Boxer dog breed is the best watchdog. If you are considering getting a Boxer puppy, learn the basics about the Boxer breed so that you can give your Boxer puppy the right training at home. The Boxer, despite the appearance of him, is a lovable and lovable dog. Puppies are very hyper and middle aged dogs are more subtle but very loyal. Boxer puppy training needs to be consistent and patient so your pup can grow into a one-of-a-kind watchdog.

1. Food. You need to be consistent with a Boxer puppy as to where he can get his food and where he should drink fresh water. You can give him treats after every good behavior, but don’t overfeed him; therefore, you will have to deal with an overweight puppy.

2. Toilet. Boxer puppies need minimal grooming; Although this breed is known to be a stubborn breed, it is best to be patient during bath time. You need to coax him with treats and reassure him before he can understand that bath time is just a normal part of his day.

3.Tricks. Boxer puppy training can also include tricks that he can perform, such as fetch and stay. Again, he must be very patient when dealing with this breed and be consistent with his approach. If you give him treats after a trick, always do it. Teach your pup the word no. He must learn this word as soon as possible to decrease negative behavior at home and towards other dogs.

4. Dog proof. Boxer puppies are fine with the family cat and also with children, but they can be aggressive towards other dogs. This is in the nature of a Boxer as they are born to be watchdogs. Expose your pup to other dogs in the neighborhood if you want this behavior to go away.

5. Walks. Boxer puppies training should also be constant even during walks. Puppies often jump around and can’t wait for you to walk or do a turn. Train your pup to stand up and wait. Teach him to recognize a time to wait and a time to run and play. Again, reward non-impulsive behavior as well as non-aggressive behavior.

6. Visits to the vet. Boxer puppies need a regular visit to the vet to avoid common health problems associated with this breed of dog. Again, the stubbornness of the breed can present a problem. Provide gentle persuasion plus reward for good behavior. Make a visit to the vet a pleasant experience by talking to the dog while you’re in the car. Let her know that this is just a normal day. Take extra precautions when at the veterinary clinic, as the breed is quite aggressive towards other breeds of dogs of the same sex.


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