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How to be a network marketing entrepreneur

Wouldn’t you like to know how to take your network marketing business to the next level? Make it explode to that dimension you dreamed it would be when you first saw it? And the strength that those who earn the most have?

Then you need to become an MLM entrepreneur!

And what is that?

Contractor Definition

Well, Wikipedia gives a definition of an entrepreneur as “a person who has ownership of a new business or enterprise and takes full responsibility for the inherent risks and outcome”.

The article then goes on to talk about how, when you look at entrepreneurs, they don’t really take big risks. When studied, they are risk averse. But their great passion for the task leads them to look for new and more effective ways to use resources.

Network Marketing Answers

If your home based business is in the doldrums, there are a number of things you can do. You can continue as before and expect something to happen (the definition of insanity is not that: do the same thing and expect a different result).

Or you can leave and join another multilevel marketing company.

Or you can leave it.

A business response

But to be successful at anything, you need to take ownership of it. I’m sure there will always be people in any organization who just want to be led (see some of the information below). And there will be those who wait for someone else to do it for them. Isn’t it much better when you are in an MLM company that really rewards personal effort? Sometimes you can benefit by default from having someone below you blow up and you get those production rewards. But the best way to find such people is to be active in the business.

All multi-level marketing companies take you on and treat you as an independent business owner. So why not be independent and owner?

It means that you really take it as your own business and find a way that works for you to be successful. Sure try what is recommended and if it works like wildfire, great! But if not, keep your attention open to those possibilities and openings that will allow you to leap forward.

You have to have the absolute conviction that this is the company that is going to work and that it is you who is going to make it work no matter what.

You own it and keep tweaking, testing, and monitoring the responses to see what works until you find what does.

And when you do, you really will have your own business and it will bring you the most heartfelt rewards.

Be happy to go your own way. Why not? If something doesn’t work, you can always try another. It reminds me of John C Maxwell’s book “Failing Forward”. He points out, as do many others, that only those who are willing to make mistakes will succeed. And those who make the most mistakes (or are prepared to make them) will succeed en masse. Those who are not willing to make mistakes will do nothing.

Or you can take on the adage that failure is just success in progress.

Entrepreneur profiles

There is another aspect to this and for that I am indebted to the work of Roger Hamilton (of XL and Results Foundation) and his profile as an entrepreneur.

this is huge

And it fits well with the idea of ​​network marketing and its team approach.

In his research on entrepreneurs, Roger Hamilton identifies eight different types of entrepreneurs. And these align along the lines of four personality spectrums originating from the Chinese I-Ching, with glimpses into the ideas of alchemy, presented in the works of Carl Jung with his archetypes, and then profiles of Myers Briggs personality. tests so commonly used in employment and contracting.

These correspond to the four elements of wood, earth, metal and fire.

What this work shows (and is reinforced by modern personality profiles) is that people have a basic vibration in which they function best. They may try other ways of doing things, but they will find they are more successful when they follow their own pattern.

By doing this and allowing others in your organization to follow things in their natural way, you will find that your team, your organization, your home business, and the opportunities will perform optimally.

They are going to explode.

Which means we need to look for people on our teams who will complement our talents and, through synergy, create great momentum.

The fifth element (lost)

Roger identifies a fifth element, water, which represents flow, which has been left out of the Western interpretation of the I-Ching, yet is important in understanding business and organizations.

The flow aspect shows how all companies go through cycles of maturity. And at each level these cycles require different skills.

All it requires is that each pursue their own gifts and business leadership. And as we do so, by keeping our eyes and ears open, we will attract others seeking your entrepreneurial gifts that will lead to great combined success.

Isn’t that network marketing?


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