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ADHD Test – Questionnaires and Behavior Scales

Unlike diabetes and other chronic disorders, there is no single test that can detect ADHD. Rather, ADHD tests and rating scales are used in combination to discern a pattern that determines whether or not a child has ADHD. During the initial evaluation, behavioral scales and questionnaires are essential to detect the presence and severity of symptoms and other learning disorders, and to determine if the child will need further testing. If you suspect your child has ADHD, it might help to have one of the tests listed below. In addition to the symptoms of the disorder, these tests are designed to measure a child’s personality, intellectual functioning, and problem-solving style. Although some of the behavior scales listed below are free to download online, they will need to be interpreted by a professional before you can understand the results.

Revised Connor Rating Scales (CRS-R)

The Connor Rating Scales (Revised) are intended to assess and assess ADHD symptoms in children through observer ratings and self-report ratings. The CRS-R test is readily available in guidance offices, clinics, pediatricians’ offices, and mental health clinics, and is usually administered during the initial parent interview. The CRS-R consists of three parts: the self-report (to be completed by the child), the teacher’s report, and the parent’s report. All three parts come in long and short versions. As soon as the test is complete, the learning expert will display the results in easy-to-understand graphs so she can see the severity of her child’s case and problem areas that need to be looked at.

Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)

The Child Behavior Checklist is a parental rating scale of behavior that is widely used due to its high reliability. The CBCL is a fairly large assessment that includes more than 100 items on the child’s social competence and behavior problems (eg, aggressive behavior, depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and other social problems). In addition to detecting ADHD, the CBCL is also used to detect possible comorbid psychological problems or learning disorders that need to be addressed during treatment.

Barkley Home and School Situations Questionnaire

According to the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, the child’s inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity must be present in at least two settings: home and school. This is the basis behind the design of the Barkley Home Situation Questionnaire and School Situation Questionnaire rating scales. These two scales enumerate ADHD-like behavior in the home environment and in the school environment. The teacher and parent are asked to rate the severity of each behavior and the scale is then given to the appropriate specialist for review. Most schools have Barkley’s Home Situations and School Situations Questionnaire, along with a guide that will help parents and teachers understand their child’s situation, establish a reward system, and decrease unwanted behavior.

SNAP IV Parent and Teacher Rating Scale

The SNAP-IV assessment is also a rating scale that teachers and parents must complete. It contains 90 items that describe inattentive, aggressive, and impulsive behaviors associated with ADHD, as well as a rating scale to measure the severity of each.


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