Serving you through serving IT.

Arts Entertainments

His most famous painting (The Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) – C. Y. Twombly

“The Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter (Quattro Stagioni)” is the series created by CY Twombly, an American calligraphic-style graffiti painter (born 1928) from Lexington, Virginia, in the year 1993-94. Twombly studied art in Boston, New York, and at…

Book Review – Refusing to Choose by Barbara Sher

Have you always wondered why you get bored easily, never get attached to anything for long periods of time, quickly lose interest in things or change your mind about what you want to do and end up doing nothing? Good…

Forex trading to make money online

You may not know that forex trading is one of the best profit making activities anyone can do from the comfort of their home. If you have lost your job or are still facing the possibility of losing it, my…

Everything you ever wanted to know about New York without guilt

The “New York Comprehensive Auto Insurance Law,” which most people call the “no-fault statute,” was enacted in 1973 and went into effect the following year. The purpose of the law was to limit the number of auto accident personal injury…

Dear Caleb (Letter to my son)

Several years ago, I was inspired by an article written by Tim O’Brien, a renowned writer, published in Life magazine. It was titled “A Letter to My Son” and expressed O’Brien’s views on the birth of his son, Timmy, late…

Southern Fool Sayings

If you have a sense of humor, be prepared to smile. These sayings are from the deep south. 1. Hinny – Your butt. Usage example: “Stop doing that or I’ll kick your ass!” 2. Paddle – Whipping. Usage example: See…

His most famous painting (Two children are threatened by a nightingale) – Max Ernst

Max Ernst (April 1891 – April 1976), intellectual artist, was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. One of the key founders of ‘Dadaism’ and ‘Surrealism’, Max enrolled at the University of Bonn in 1909, where he studied philosophy…

LGBT Clergy, Ordained Ministry, Gay Marriage and Me

It is an interesting time for me, a Christian lesbian and married New Yorker, to prepare for my ordination. I have been serving in ministry at The Potter’s House Church of the Living God in Brooklyn for many years: I…

How to Wear Office Dresses That Exude Professionalism

The type of office dresses women wear to apply for a job reflects the type of personality they have. If you are attending an interview, you should dress accordingly to create an impressive image that can impress the interviewer. Remember…

On-site IT support vs. remote support

When choosing a company to provide IT support for your business, you have many things to think about. You should know that the company you choose is reputable, trustworthy and professional. Just as important, you need to know that they…

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