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Legal Law

Tips to help you find the best immigration attorney for your green card!

Going through the visa trip in the United States can be quite a tumultuous experience, with a lot of documentation and commitment to the authorities to be done. One of the things to do is take the Immigration Medical Exam…

Title: The Guardian Plan – By: Barbara Dexter Moore

Fans of historical romance will be fascinated by the broad saga of The Guardian’s Plan by author Barbara Dexter Moore, whose passion for these genres is clearly evident in this 300-plus-page first novel. In addition to the many twists and…

Seven practical reasons to register your trademark

Your brand matters. After all, your brand is who you are, THAT you do it, and WHY you do it. Remember: people are loyal to brands, not products. Trademarks protect trademarks. They are the foundation of any successful brand. That…

Dating a lawyer: 10 pros and 10 cons

If you like smart, hardworking people, you will love dating lawyers. Obtaining a law degree and having a license to practice is a great achievement, which only conscientious and intelligent people are capable of. Additionally, legal professionals are good communicators,…

Cole Porter Song "True love"

“True Love” was written by Cole Porter and played by Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly in the 1955 film, “High Society,” which also starred Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong. “True Love” was the first and only gold record for Grace…

A civil attorney can help you overcome problems related to civil law violations.

Human and civil rights violations often occur in various parts of the world. The other day I read a newspaper where it was mentioned that a 23-year-old young man committed suicide due to the discriminatory behavior that he was experiencing…

Cultural belonging and identification

Humans have always fought for territory with the prospect of protecting cultural norms. We belong to our land and our land belongs to us. Therefore, traditionally, culture has been geographically linked. With technology, modernization, influx and ease of travel, global…

Dangers of driving with headphones

Since the invention of automobiles, drivers have had some kind of device to play music, even if it was portable. Many years ago, when you were driving your car, you only had the radio to listen to. The radio was…

Why is Rupert Grint from "Harry Potter" Buy a cup of pork tea?

Hopefully, the motive behind the famous actor who bought two Teacup Pigs has nothing to do with status symbols. At a cost of $ 1,100 each, Teacup Pigs could very well become status symbols for the rich and famous. Fortunately,…

How can I be successful as a kindergarten teacher?

The UK Education Act, for example, makes it a law that all children must start full-time education at the age of five. However, although there is no law that requires younger children to attend school, many educators and parents find…

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