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The responsibilities of keeping hedgehogs as pets

If you are familiar with what hedgehogs look like, you will agree that their unique cuteness alone may make you want to have one. Keeping hedgehogs as pets can be a great experience. They are wonderful and very entertaining creatures….

Redbone Coonhound: Facts You Should Know Before Adopting Redbone Coonhound

Description of the breed Built for high-speed running over rocky hills, thick forests, and swamps, the Redbone Coonhound is streamlined yet strong. Slightly taller at the withers than at the hips, this breed has arched slightly. This breed is medium…

Remember the grieving cats

When a household suffers the loss of a cat, members of the human family are not the only ones affected. The animal companions left behind are also suffering. Cats are characterized by being creatures of habit, so they do not…

How Your Cat or Dog Can Help You Manage Anger

A close family friend recently suggested having a dog after she lost her husband. She is already an animal lover, but after her husband passed away, she felt that her home was too lonely. A recent study from the University…

Most UK households are in favor of PV adoption

According to a recent survey by the Center for Alternative Technology (CAT), the majority of British households would consider adopting photovoltaic technology; 90 percent said they would consider it and 23 percent said they would definitely adopt the technology in…

Communicate with your deaf cat

By understanding and responding to your deaf cat’s unique needs, the two of you will develop a closer relationship and better communication skills. A sensitive pet owner can learn by observing how their pet reacts and adjusts to its environment….

Is it illegal to have a raccoon as a pet?

Common household pets that we are used to seeing in a person’s home are typically dogs, cats, small breed reptiles, maybe a few hamsters here and there, or some goldfish. On the other hand, there are people in this world…

Are Cats Color Blind?

No, is the answer, however, his color vision is quite poor. In the first half of this century, scientists were sure that cats were completely color blind, and one expert reworked a popular saying with the words: “Day and night,…

Is it safe to have rats and a cat in the same house?

One question that I get asked a lot is whether it is possible for those who already have a cat to adopt rats as pets. There are a number of factors to consider before making this decision. While there are…

Wild cats: what to do if they live near you

Chances are, if you live in a rural or even suburban setting, you live near feral cats – skittish and rough feral cats that may appear to need human help, only to flee when approached. These cats are not tame…

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