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Cheshire Cat Quotes

Cheshire Cat Quotes, Found Here!

Animal taxonomists would surely raise their eyebrows when people refer to Cheshire cats as cats. They would say that cats don’t exist. So where would the Cheshire cat quotes come from? But wait, what are Cheshire cats and why are they popular throughout these years?

The Cheshire Cat is not a real, live cat. It is a fictional cat, or some form of character that resembles the physical form of a cat, in figurative speech and literature.

The Cheshire Cat was created and mentioned by the classic author Lewis Caroll in his popular novel “Alice in Wonderland.” The cat has caught the attention of readers and viewers of the film version due to the riddle-shaped quotes spoken by him. For this reason, Cheshire cat quotes are popular!

Yes, in the fantasy novel, the fictional Cheshire cat was even humanized, giving Alice the ability to think deeply and impart enlightenment through her interesting and insightful quotes.

Many lines from “Alice in Wonderland” are popular because people have so much fun with the entertaining Cheshire cat quotes. This is why many literature reviews focus on the funny or entertaining Cheshire cat quotes as used in the novel.

Cheshire Cat Quotes

So it would be fun to see some of the entertaining and sometimes cute quotes from the Cheshire cat in the novel. Reading those quotes would tickle your thoughts, but for Alice, the novel’s main character, the words were too annoying.

In one case, the Cheshire cat told Alice that everyone was angry. With that, the analysts said that the quote meant that each person in the world has their own part of personal weirdness, and that it is characteristic of all people.

Some of the Cheshire cat quotes were also so funny that they have inspired other comedy writers to model some dialogue after some conversations between Alice and the Cheshire cat in the novel. Among the famous Cheshire cat quotes are those that turn questions into circular questions.

For example, Alice would ask the cat a question. Through various exchanges of sentences, in the end, Alice would be the one asking the same questions that she asked the Cheshire cat to answer!

Apparently, various quotes from the Cheshire cat in “Alice in Wonderland” have also employed figures of speech. For deep people, those metaphors and similes were beautifully crafted that made the novel more engaging. Some sympathize with Alice and find the words not worth mentioning and really annoying.

The famous smile

Aside from the famous Cheshire cat quotes, the Cheshire cat is also known as a devilish creature with a devilish grin. Note that at each utterance, the cat would suddenly disappear.

However, the Cheshire cat disappearing act is almost always not complete. Often times, the cat’s smiling mouth would always lag behind and talk to Alice even if the cat’s body had disappeared.

That famous smile also completes every interesting quote uttered by the Cheshire cat. Fans of the novel would always claim that Alice’s adventures in Wonderland would not be complete without the occasional encounters with the cat.

The popularity of the Cheshire cat

Although it is a fictional character, the Cheshire Cat has gained great popularity over the years. Many other books and stories have used the cat to represent funny characters, and the Cheshire cat quotes are always popular.

For example, animation filmmaker Walt Disney has made the Cheshire Cat more colorful by giving it a pink color, with a striped body. The emphasis on the mouth area is specified because the smile and quotable quotes give the cat its intelligent and beloved character.

The Cheshire cat has also been depicted in good and bad light in some other Alice in Wonderland adaptations. In some, the cat is a good character, but in others, the Cheshire has been given an almost villain-like character.

In truth, the cat, although fictional, receives a great treatment not only in “Alice in Wonderland”, but also in figurative language and literary reviews. Cheshire cat quotes are good enough to symbolize the deep cat trademark’s funny and annoying smile.


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