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Cleaning Mold in Window AC Unit

Cleaning Mold in Window AC Unit

Mold can reduce the air quality in your home, especially if it grows in your air. This article will explain how mold might form in a window-unit air conditioner and how you can clean it.

Why Is It Harmful?

Mold releases spores that can be easily inhaled that can cause nasal stuffiness, coughing or wheezing, throat irritation, eye irritation, or skin irritation. And in case if someone from your family has a mold allergy or has a compromised immune system, mold can leave them to get serious lung infections.

How Does Mold Grow In Air Conditioners?

For mold to grow, it needs moisture and an organic food source. So for the moisture, high humidity or a leak or spill are some excellent sources. And the food source can be the surface the mold is growing on, like wood or carpet.

How To Clean Mold From Your Air conditioner?

Cleaning up mold can be complicated and messy. But before you start, ensure that the area you are cleaning should be well-ventilated, and you should wear your protective gear such as non-porous gloves and a face mask with goggles.

To clean the mold, simply wipe it up with a household cleaner and a cloth or sponge. For cleaning it, you won’t need bleach.

But if you see small mold spots forming on the air direction vanes of your window air conditioner, it is probably too late. This is where you would need to call an HVAC technician to come and clean the system for you since the mold you see is just the tip of the iceberg. In such a scenario, the unit needs to be disassembled to be cleaned from the inside. If timely maintenance is not done, it would likely need to be replaced.

If you believe that your unit needs professional cleaning, and looking for HVAC services, contact ProServices Supply today at (877) 776-8228 or visit their website.


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