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Health Fitness

Diets are only effective when you make them COUNT!

Most people, throughout their lives, gain and lose tens of pounds, if not hundreds! One of the biggest industries related to health care, probably because of this, is weight loss. diet industry etc! However, no matter how potentially, effective, and valuable any particular plan may be, it will only work, effectively, and achieve the desired results, if/when an individual actually does it. COUNT! This requires a significant degree of both discipline and commitment, and proceeding with the necessary will to persist, despite life’s temptations, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Careful; consider; calories/carbs; character; commitment: Examine your reasons for trying to lose weight and how strongly you care and why. Will you proceed, with the necessary level of commitment, to help him achieve his goals? What will you consider, in terms of which approach, to pursue? Do you possess the character quality to persist when others might give up? Do you think a calorie-oriented diet, or perhaps a low-carb diet, of one or perhaps another, is better for you?

2. Options; open mind; opportunities: The better you know and understand/consider your options and alternatives, the better able you will be to choose your best course, pursue and take advantage of the best opportunities! Do not pre-judge, but rather proceed, with a well-thought-out and open mind! What might work for someone else might not make sense to you? For example, if you choose a diet that requires you to eat foods you won’t/won’t eat, you could be setting yourself up for failure!

3. units; applications; useful; emergency: Consider the best weight loss plan based on the phases and units needed to bring it to fruition! Is your reason for proceeding related to health (heart, etc.), body image, or some combination of reasons? The better you understand its uses, the more useful and effective your results will be! What does your little voice tell you, and what is urgent?

4. Needs; shades: Once you believe in your weight loss needs, align your personal plan with those nuances, including your personality, food preferences, ability/disposition, commitment to diet and exercise, etc.

5. trends; trust: To increase your chances of success, understand your own tendencies, degree of commitment, etc., this is how you will proceed, trusting in your decision!

If you decide to diet, make your chance of success greater and more effective by following the plan, which will make your efforts, COUNT! Are you ready and prepared for the personal insights, commitment, and self-discipline required?


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