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Do Some Natural Penis Enlargement Methods Really Work?

The internet is full of products that are supposed to enlarge your penis: pills, devices, creams, etc.

Do any of these really make your penis bigger? Are there natural penis enlargement methods that really work? Or are they all scams, as our intuition (and life experiences) would tell us?

I can tell you, with first-hand experience, that some forms of natural penis enlargement actually work to increase the size of your penis. But it is not the pills.

Male enhancement pills contain natural ingredients that will improve your libido and blood flow to the penis. Studies can verify the effectiveness of these ingredients. But when it comes to enlarging your penis, you won’t gain an inch in penis size with any of the pills on the market (the before and after photos show the progress made with other techniques).

With pills, you may see a slight increase in saggy sag due to improved blood flow, which can mislead you into thinking that you are increasing in size. But by the second month, when you realize that your penis is the same size, you call the company to cancel, and they charge you for another month or two before they let you go.

Yet another natural penis enlargement scam.

So what works to increase the size of your penis (apart from surgery)?

  • Extension devices,

  • Weight hangers,

  • Penis enlargement exercises,

  • Penis pumps

Before you get started with the following methods, know this: Your penis is MUCH sturdier than you think. Experience with any of these natural penis enlargement methods will prove it to you.

Extension devices

Extension devices hold the penis in an elongated state without manual force. There are several devices on the market and some studies have shown moderate length gains. They are expensive, but effective, and require very little effort on your part (great to wear while watching a movie or playing video games … privacy is definitely required though).

Weight hangers

Many men who do natural penis enlargement exercises enter the “hanger” school. Some men have achieved large increases in length with the weight hangers. Certain weight hangers are pre-made in a way that is quite safe, but with little regulation from any government or health agency, their use could be quite scary.

I personally used a hanger and was able to hang 25 pounds, but the “dead” feeling my penis had temporarily after removing the hanger, plus the extremely awkward setup and large amount of space it all took up (and once again, the privacy requirements), they shut me up after two to three weeks.

However, during those few weeks, I think I may have added about a quarter of an inch … not for the faint of heart, but if you have a lot of “courage” go for it and make sure you follow the instructions on the T.

Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises

My personal favorite method of penis enlargement, this technique involves various manual “exercises” in which the shaft tissue is stretched as well as the penis with more blood is forcibly swallowed with the hands.

It sounds scary, but due to the “microtrauma” of the shaft tissue, your penis responds by increasing in length and girth. Start off low and, over time, start adding strength as your penis gets used to the exercises.

This method does not need bulky or uncomfortable devices, it can be done in the shower (the need for privacy is not very high) and it is the only technique to increase both the length and the thickness. Very safe, but requires more effort on your part than the other methods.

Penis pumps

I met a gentleman on a sexual health forum years ago who swore by the penis pump. He claimed to have added a good amount of girth after using it continuously. Most other accounts simply say that the gains are temporary, but you see a good improvement in the quality of the erection.

Regardless of which choice you choose, know this: you can make your penis bigger. Don’t expect a miracle, but it will most likely add an inch to your length and a considerable amount of girth. Some men have even added more than two inches in length and more than an inch in circumference, but they are not that common and generally put in a little work / time.


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