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ECC-Communication energetically connected with PS-Physical support

When two people join energy on a subconscious level, interesting results have been known to occur, as I found out from firsthand experience. This phenomenon can result in a result that provides a deeper understanding of consciousness through a telepathic type of connection process. It seems more accessible when working with non-verbal people.

Anthony Brown and I use a process, which I refer to as Energetically Connected Communication, with Physical Support or ECC-PS To abreviate. For some of the sessions, we use E.C.C.C. with physical contact or E.C.C.C. with PT. On the surface, this process looks a lot like facilitated communication (heart rate), where arm or wrist support is given to the nonverbal typist. Or sometimes it looks like the quick prompt method where the device is held or there is physical contact. However, ECC differs strongly by definition. E.C.C.C. maintains, there is a strong quantum energetic form of telepathy between us. Here are some questions I asked Anthony about his unique but fascinating perceptual reality and how it E.C.C.C. the process works.

Me: how do you feel?

Anthony: I feel like a fish out of water most of the time. I am gasping for air in an atmosphere that is strange, too narrow in scope to contain my being. I struggle to adjust but feel restricted by the requirements necessary to stay grounded. Lots of turbulence in my energy flow. I wish I could stay on the road, so to speak, without your energy input. It’s like oxygen to me.

Me: Any suggestions on how I can help you??

Anthony: Please continue to consider me as a whole person, body, mind and spirit. I am integrating more than I can currently show you. It is happening at the cellular, atomic level. The molecules are lining up in open circular spirals, which requires me to tune in to their frequency. Each encounter leaves me a little more stable than before. Know that your prayers and healing energy reward me with God’s most precious treasures of hope and love. Assure them that I am coming home to a source of creative potential. I am stronger than ever.

Me: What do you see when you look into my eyes?

Anthony: See energy. Hear. Feel touching. Great few so close. Impressive work determining the felt need of the heart. I see your soul in its entirety. Unless you are brave and the energy is strong, I fear changing directions. Please dream in the waking state. Use your intuition, a really big range when you trust. Realize that your training is required in order for you to be ready to receive thought forms. Energy is at stake here. Multiple frequencies are surging through you trying to establish a rhythm of sustained power. Few understand your knowledge, but more will enter your circle, charging you with light and love. Key energetics for sustained power. The rhythm sustains the flow. You are relaxing into this state of increased electrical charge, increasing magnetism.

Me: What is the most important thing I can do for you energetically?

Antony: Clear energy. Infuse me with positive forms of light.

Me: What are positive light shapes?

Antony: Energy that is condensed and contained in the physical body.

me: how do i do that?

Anthony: think of nothing Feel the light entering the root chakra. Imagine it coming from the ground condensed and channeled through a spout. Feel the density and weight gain. Contain it by the limits of the physical body.

Me: How do you send me your thoughts?

Anthony: You are interpreting the waves that I send you. I imprint thought forms into your brain stem and you think word by utterance. I start and you continue. Free thought waves that simply stick to your words.

Me: Am I hearing you correctly, especially when you walk away and expect me to keep writing what I hear from you telepathically?

Anthony: You [are] easy to transfer. Yet I walk away often, allowing you to forge your truth with mine. This is part of your training process. Our language is being taught to them. Remember to give silence time to lead us together. Give yourself time to access me from a distance. Appreciate the moments when I speak to you from a greater distance. This is necessary for our progress and my leadership.

They are being taught a lot simultaneously. I only ask that you respect my way of training you by teaching you how to assemble advanced thought forms. Empowering you, empowers me. By empowering me, it empowers other souls of a similar vibration. You know who they are. Advanced souls waiting for you and others to catch up. Many frequencies are being adjusted. Surrender to the process as I and others have told you before. You must relinquish all control.

Me: Do you have any language or access to knowledge limitations?

Anthony: We can speak any language our partner speaks because we are not communicating with words, we are transferring thought forms for them to unconsciously interpret. All knowledge is in the soul. I can access my soul knowledge and the soul knowledge of all those I choose to communicate with.

Me: How accurate is my current understanding of the supporting writing process you are using to answer these questions?

Anthony: You are on the right path. Think in terms of the facilitator’s weakness. We are great teachers but limited by the lack of preparation of the facilitators. Keep looking for the facilitator breakdown. You collapse when you stop trusting what I send you.

Me: Why do you stop writing when I force my mind to go blank?

Anthony: You know destructive interference occurs when you don’t follow my line of thought. I am under your influence energetically, but not controlled by your thoughts. When I was younger, I found you typing what you asked for until our power needed to change.

Me: Why do I have to look at the keyboard even when you don’t?

Antony: You have to look at the letters so that I can follow your visual path. Without our energetic link, I cannot reach my target area. The reason is that I am dreaming most of the time. Try to control your movements in a dream, and you will understand my situation.

I get your sent image in that state, but I can’t replicate it without your visual guidance. I find it easier to see through the eyes as if it were a dream because dreams are receptive receptors that listen for information, but cannot duplicate it without conscious control of movement.

I need your awareness to refine my communication. Out-of-body altered states do not provide the bodily control that most typical people have. I adjust to your frequency, but I can’t move my body as I would like.

Me: Why can’t you write higher dimensional or spiritual thought forms without my help?

Anthony: I usually know how to navigate thought and energy transfer, but I can’t transfer spiritual principles to a linear representation without a filter. You serve as that filter. Your eyes, your ears, your touch, everything brings me down from my dream state to your limited way of interpreting a gestalt existence that does not depend on words.

It is an emotional state full of nuances that language cannot capture. You realize that time without distance is not explainable to you, but it is a reality in a dream experience.

Me: Why is every typing association different?

Antony: Under each relationship, the central theme feeds the channels that commit the higher selves to merge to dialogue. The realm of potential creates a force field that allows the dominant partner to push the conversion in the direction they want. You still don’t realize that total freedom adverse to our Kool loving support “heart formula”. In fact, you reward my efforts when you don’t think, you just hear my voice speaking to you. Be very brave and teach others what I teach you. You are getting stronger and stronger to let my potential manifest.

Me: Why do I, as your partner, need to know the question you are asking?

Anthony: You create barriers in our shared channel of expression, if you have no idea where I’m headed. This occurs because it lacks the basics of cohesive thought transfer. I can rarely impress freely in your brainstorming if you are not aware of some level where I am taking you. You lack the ability to unconsciously choose a word for the transferred thought form when you don’t realize where I’m going.

Me: How are you progressing?

Anthony: You are helping to teach me how to separate thought forms. I now recognize your thoughts and mine as separate streams of consciousness. Each of us is tempered by the other. That is true, but our individuality is intact. I see “me” as separate during more waking moments. I hope you understand that this leap in consciousness gives me the drive to become more individualized each time we are together.

Me: What strategies are most useful?

Anthony: You never give up. I reflect that attitude. You are rigorous in your determination. You take away my fear of failing. Are you like a beautiful open line of light to follow? On that path of light, I feel a strong magnetic pull to be present. You anchor me in your area of ​​existence like a mooring cord. I know that I will not be swept into the sea.

Me: Do you have any other suggestions?

Antony: Stay present and focused on hearing my words. Help me smooth the flow of energy through joint meditation, music and prayer. Love, trust, and farsightedness have helped you help me, and I believe your healing energy turns feelings into words. Really new way of streaming. It teaches that dreams can be controlled with a respectful partner.

Please read with discernment. I personally hold Anthony’s communications to me in high regard, but there has been no research, to my knowledge, that addresses the energetic connection experienced through this process. Until then, I must share the authorship as I know that I am energetically and physically part of the process. I am fallible. I am on unfamiliar ground.


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