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Health and Fitness Tips


Set clear exercise goals and start with some basic exercises. It is recommended to start with a full body strength training program, done 2-3 times per week, or a split core workout (such as upper/lower). The objectives must be specific and measurable. Write down some long-term goals and develop short-term goals that will help you achieve them. Day by day, week by week, you can achieve these goals. Progress will become addictive! It will help you to take notes on how your exercise and nutrition are going each day or each week. This can help you chart your progress and easily measure it.

Getting proper nutrition and rest are the other main components of any successful fitness program.


It is possible to prepare healthy meals at very little cost, using basic foods such as beans and rice. There are many “cheap recipes” online that are easy to make, including quick and healthy salads, bowls, and snacks. Check the price per ounce of each ingredient if possible and find out which one is in your budget. Of course, feel free to modify the recipes based on your personal tastes and/or any food allergies you may have. Gradually replace processed foods with a variety of affordable whole foods.

Recovery time

It is important to take at least one day off from training each week. A physical activity that isn’t too demanding, such as walking or stretching, is also fine on days off. Schedule a flush week after every 4 to 6 weeks, or more often if needed, to recover and rebuild. You can use one or more shock protocols or just take a week of “active rest.” In any case, focus on mobility work and therapeutic modalities.

Unloading protocols include, but are not necessarily limited to: less volume (sets/reps), less frequency (training days per week), less intensity (regressions of any kind), less variety (fewer exercises)

Active Rest – Ideas include, but are not limited to, impromptu games of your favorite athletic sport, taking a yoga class, doing some walking, and doing yard work or chores. If you are in good physical condition and used to a heavy workload, you can train up to 6 days a week while still playing an athletic sport. Of course, in this case, it is even more important to pay attention to your body. Get enough sleep and have quality nutrition.

General Training Tips

Always make sure to heat up properly.

Wear shoes and comfortable clothes. Some forms of exercise will require certain clothing. Bring an exercise towel with you if necessary and stay hydrated, especially when exercising outside in hot weather.

Safety precautions: These include, but are not limited to, sunscreen or insect repellent spray, having emergency contact information with you at all times, checking training area safety, practicing situational awareness, adapting training habits, and adapting your training to the weather.

During workouts – 1) Active rest between sets and between exercises. Walk around your training area and/or do light stretching to keep circulation active and muscles relaxed. 2) Breathe deeply during the exercise and take stretch breaks when necessary. 3) Don’t push through pain or signs of overtraining.

Designate an area in your house to exercise. It can be as simple as floor space! Also check local parks and recreation departments if you want to train outside. Look online for local fitness groups or classes. Additionally, recreation departments often have a variety of activities to choose from. Some churches offer free exercise classes.

Options for finding cheap or free exercise equipment include: search Craigslist, check Facebook groups for free stuff, or sign up for Freecycle and ask.

Some ideas for when you hit a plateau: lighten the intensity and focus on form, do workouts that break the plateau, change exercises or other variables in a workout

warm up tips

Warming up properly prevents injuries, gives you energy for training and improves muscle elasticity. Start with an exercise that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing, to warm up for stretching and training. Ideas include brisk walking, cardio, jumping rope, small space workouts, and light calisthenics. Next, perform joint rotations, such as circling your shoulders. This helps lubricate the joints with synovial fluid and increases blood flow to the muscles.

Begin stretching after joint rotations. Stretch only for mild to moderate discomfort. Pain is a sign that something is wrong or that you are overstretching. Gradually increase your range of motion and balance. Try to stretch as many muscles and joints as you can before a workout, or whenever you feel up to it. However, if time is short, at least stretch the parts of the body that you will be working on. After stretching, do warm-up sets and then your working sets. Also, stretch slightly after each workout.

The use of cushions is recommended for greater comfort and to facilitate certain stretches. Folded towels and pillows work great. You can also use yoga straps, blocks, and/or bolsters if you already have one, but these are not strictly necessary.

Cardio exercise ideas include brisk walking, jogging, high-intensity interval training, and small-space exercises done at a fast pace. Some ideas for small-space exercises: animal moves (like bear crawls and bunny hops), “mountain climbers,” jump rope, running in place, jumping jacks, burpees, and agility drills that can be done in a small space. You can use small space exercises to focus more on agility, mobility, cardio, or a combination.

lifestyle tips

Eat a variety of whole foods

Avoid empty calories

Take the time to read product labels.

Take a B12 or Super B-Complex supplement daily

Try to walk and/or stretch every day.

Big changes don’t have to be done all at once; small changes add up day by day Shake things up once in a while to increase motivation

Keep long-term goals in mind – consistency is key

Allow time each week to relax and be mindful


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