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Honor mom with a twist around the Bagua

Are we spinning our wheels in a world of information overload? We continue to receive reminders about mindfulness and clutter cleaning. Science tells us that multitasking is not good for our brain. And we found that women, specifically mothers, are the best multitaskers of all. Men insist on doing “first things first,” as they like to point out, but mothers really have no other choice. Therefore, to celebrate all mothers during the month of May, we take a look at helping mothers with one of the best organizing principles in feng shui, the symbolic map called “bagua” which means “eight sectors”.

Let’s walk the bagua and focus on the details. The bagua aims to illuminate and guide those seeking to follow the path of optimal performance. We enter the eight sector grid on the threshold of “now”, fully aware that the “me” carries the inheritance of complex and personal stories. Traditional feng shui designates this area as “career,” but personal myth is much more essential than just a career path. At this point of entry to the bagua, we bring our personal vibrations into the space and radiate our energy to the environment.

Taking a step left on our clockwise journey around the bagua, we honor the mother’s wisdom and knowledge, which is ingrained in her upbringing, but also reveals how she continues to cultivate her personality. Then, by stepping forward, the “family” guide goes well beyond the immediate family core and extends to friends and the community, including those who came before us. Mom is the glue that binds you all together with a loving hug and loving care.

The popular “wealth” corner of the bagua cannot be underestimated as a position of power. In any space or property, it is the place of greatest visual entrance and should be Mom’s executive reign point. Often times, she is the source of a man’s prosperity and the inspiration for his success. The “future” guide at the zenith of our symbolic map provides the psychic impetus to shed light on our social position when mothers insist on integrity and respectable behavior.

The home guide to marital bliss and “relationships” is the mother’s fortress, where she connects with a silent force. She is the peacemaker and bridges the gap in many gaps when the need is greatest. Your “legacy” guide, which includes “kids” or any of your other multitasking projects, is the creative foundation for all your endeavors.

The next and last of the eight sectors is the traditional “helpful people” corner. In modern feng shui we dedicate this area to “compassion.” When the need arises, Mom will always be the one to reach out a helping hand and stand firm as the anchor of “support.”

From all points of our octagon pattern, we look towards the center, the area of ​​”tai ji” which is the “great last” in spiritual language. In worldly interpretations, feng shui has assigned this sector to “health.” Mothers are the promoters who give life and who sustain physical and mental health. They are the superstars of humanity’s provenance and survival. Let’s celebrate moms for more than one day during the joyous month of May.

We would like to activate all sectors of the bagua to bring beneficial qi (chi) to mom and her clan with feng shui recommendations:

• A water source for the entrance area

• A crystal bowl with blue flowers to gain insight and wisdom.

• Succulents for the gua family

• A jade plant for wealth and empowerment.

• Red roses for the future guide

• Pink roses for love and relationships.

• White gardenias in the legacy

• A wind chime or support bell.

• And a bouquet of yellow roses in the center


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