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How To Gain Wisdom From Conflict: Learning The Lessons Of Your Soul!

Being in conflict with someone can be disappointing, frustrating, and detrimental to your relationship. It can leave you angry, vindictive, and wondering, “What did I do wrong?” It can even make you wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep attracting these people?” When you have a conflict with someone, it’s a direct link to a lesson you’re still working on.

We all have soul lessons that we are here to learn in this life. These lessons are the real challenge that we are here to overcome. Your soul is on this journey to master these lessons, and the people in your life often serve as teachers. These lessons are called soul lessons or karmic lessons. For example, I completed a numerology chart for one of my clients and one of his karmic lessons is to become an expert in one of her many gifts. She has many talents, but those with this karmic lesson often lack the focus to become true experts in any area. Often, because they can be great at so many things, they lose focus or worry that they won’t be able to do everything they’re good at or interested in. Her conflict was with a friend who told her that she was fickle and that she didn’t know what she wanted out of life. Her friend accused her of not being able to have a relationship because she didn’t concentrate on anything for a long time. Her friend insisted that my client needed therapy to find out why she gave up on her goals so easily. This tongue lash cut deep and was painful. In fact, it sparked a conflict so deep that these best friends didn’t speak to each other for months. As my client shared her story, I told her that the conflict with her friend was directly related to her karmic lesson. Could her friend have been less cruel? Of course, but for now we are not going to focus on her friend, we are going to focus on my client’s karmic lesson. The lesson was simple, the others could see that she was talented and capable of amazing things. She couldn’t see it as clearly because she lacked the discipline to focus on one skill and make it work for her. She constantly gave up before her breakthrough to success. When things got a little challenging, she’d switch and try something else. What’s really cool is that when we started digging into this karmic lesson, she discovered that many of her relationships were filled with messages related to this lesson. She had experienced many conflicts at work and with friends who felt that she was not dependent and lacked concentration. This lesson was also reflected in her finances. She has changed jobs often and has started, but never moved on, various businesses. I assured her that once she mastered this lesson, she would attract supporters and find that her career would be much more successful as well.

However, mastering your karmic lesson doesn’t mean it won’t rear its little head from time to time. Your karmic lessons stay with you for life. However, as you master your lessons, they will have less impact on your life. Mastery means that when these lessons appear, they are not as dramatic and painful as before.

There is so much Wisdom that you can learn from your conflict with others, if you will only take a moment to connect with Your Divine Council of Angels, Ancestors, and Spirit Guides for guidance and answers. Here are six things I’ve learned about conflict personally and through my work as a professional Intuitive.

6 Wisdoms of Conflict You can use them now to understand the lessons of your soul.

1. Lesson of the universe Conflict can be a sign from the universe that there is a lesson you need to learn that you are not getting. Sometimes the messages are subtle, like minor conflicts, but if we continue to ignore the lessons, they can escalate into major conflicts.

two. Did you ignore your intuition? Check again. Has your intuition sent you messages or signals that you plan to consciously or unconsciously ignore? Often your inner voice will send you a message to let you know that something is not right with the situation or person. We are taught to mistrust our inner guidance and to rely more on logic. Before or after a conflict, consult with your Divine Council for guidance.

3. Having a conflict with someone does not mean that you or the other person are bad. Often when people have a disagreement, it is because they both have life lessons that they are working on. Most of the time, it’s not really about that “thing” you’re arguing about. Usually the actions in disagreement: how you respond, how you handle the situation, what you say is where the lessons lie. Give each other some slack. Step back for a moment and ask yourself… what is the lesson here? I’m not sure? Ask your Divine Council for help.

Four. Some hurt people, hurt people. If someone has emotional or physical pain in one area of ​​their life, it will often be difficult to avoid carrying that pain into another area of ​​life. I have found that in many situations where people are hurting, they often consciously or unconsciously hurt those around them. They will find fault, gossip, and look for ways to share their pain. Example: A coworker or business associate may have health, relationship, or personal issues that may affect her interaction with you. Maybe they are always nervous or constantly complain and find fault. You could be the reflection of the lesson they are working on at the moment. Politely back off and give them space.

5. What was your contribution to the conflict? It’s easy to identify another person’s fault in a conflict, but take a moment to see what you are responsible for. Both people are responsible for the demise of a relationship. It is unlikely that, in some way, both people did not play apart in the disagreement. This does not mean that you are 100% responsible for the conflict, but it does mean that on some level you contributed to the problem. Maybe you didn’t talk at the beginning of the relationship? Perhaps you did not fully share all the information necessary for the person to make a good decision about something? Maybe your intuition told you that this person was not a good match for you, but you entered the relationship anyway. What was your contribution? What can you take away from this experience?

6. Relationships are mirrors. If we are experiencing an internal conflict, it will show up and be reflected in the people you attract. If you’re not good at keeping your commitments to yourself, you may have a conflict with someone who doesn’t keep their commitments to you. When you have a conflict, ask yourself: did I create this as a result of something going on inside of me? I talked about people or gossip and now maybe they are gossiping or talking negatively about me? Was I harsh with someone or criticized them and now they criticize me? The answers may be yes or no, but it is important to check.

The next time you have a conflict with someone, stop and ask what my lessons are so you can move on to karmic mastery. And, by all means, do your best to resolve the conflict and have a conversation with the person. However, the outcome is often better when you understand the lessons and wisdom of the conflict before you talk to the person about the problem.

Here is an affirmation that you can use to help you understand your karmic lessons.

The conflict is just a lesson from the universe to help me master my karmic lessons. I am divinely guided to a resolution.


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