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How to overcome irreversible back pain?

According to the study carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), pain in the lower and upper back is the main cause of disability for people under 45 in the world. Many people are spending billions of dollars looking for solutions for back pain.

On a daily basis, many people who experience severe or moderate lower or upper back pain tend to find temporary ways to relieve their pain instead of knowing the real cause. It affects people of all ages, although a study by the Mayo Clinic revealed that those between 35 and 55 years of age are more vulnerable to back pain. Most of the time they twist and bend in the hope that the pain will go away, but unfortunately, the pain can be irreversible. Pain experienced in the upper back can be caused by growth in the chest, inflammation of the spine and ailments of the aorta, while pain in the lower back can be related to the muscles of the lower back. the lower back and the tendons around the disc and spine. Below are ways to overcome irreversible back pain;

1. Start doing circuits and corrective exercises

Everything we do on a daily basis has an impact on our health. Poor posture and our daily activities like standing for a long period of time, pulling or carrying something heavy, muscle strain, sitting in a bent position for a long time can lead to severe back pain. In this age of technology, many people tend to sit in a reclined position for a long period of time when using computers. This is very unhealthy for your back as it increases pain in the area.

Exercising regularly helps activate core muscles, like your back muscles, that are responsible for lifting your spine that you haven’t been using. Thus, it maintains mobility in the spine as inactive and weak muscles cause a person to experience severe pain. Also, those people who spend most of their time sitting in the office for more than 8 hours a day are advised to take a break of at least an hour to stretch and move around to reduce the pain experienced.

2. Fashion accessories

Many women are used to carrying heavy bags on their shoulders and wear high heels on their feet every day. However, these fashion choices have consequences such as causing back pain and other related health problems. It is recommended that ladies’ handbags weigh no more than 10 pounds and their heels should also be less than 2 inches at all times to reduce back problems.

3. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

The nutritionist recommends that we include anti-inflammatory foods in our diet such as eating nuts, omega-3 fatty acids such as fish. Avoiding excessive intake of dairy products and cereals plays an important role. Inflammation causes lower back pain, so when you have a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, you reduce pain and ensure you maintain proper nutrition.

Dr. Spallino advises that when you eat fruits, avocados, green vegetables like spinach, green tea, and use olive oil, it reduces inflammation in the spinal cartilage, which helps control stiffness and back pain. They contain anti-inflammatory properties that help fight pain. Also, make sure you get enough calcium in your body by drinking milk, yogurt, and cheese.

4. Stop what is causing the pain

Doctors say that it is not your back that is causing the pain, but the other imbalances that are causing you to feel the pain. It is recommended that you fix those areas of your body that are causing the pain. You can change your posture when sitting; avoid standing in one position for a long period of time and by doing so we will reduce the pain that we experience most often.

5. Change the intensity of your workouts

Sometimes, you tend to think that if you do intense workouts, you will relieve back pain. Unfortunately, you’re making it worse because intense workouts put a lot of pressure on your back. Therefore, you should do small, light exercises and avoid using heavy machines that lead to muscle imbalance.


Most upper and lower back pain is irreversible. However, if you do the above things, your back will not experience frequent severe pain. The pain will not go away 100%, but it will reduce the number of days you will feel the pain. Make sure you always have the correct sitting posture, especially if you are sitting in your office for a longer period, and avoid heavy lifting or pulling. Also, eat a diet full of anti-inflammatory foods.


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