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Health Fitness

I’m trying to gain weight: a natural way to gain weight

Are you trying to gain volume?? I’m sure you would like to know the natural way to gain weight without the use of expensive supplements or steroids. Most of you would believe that you need weight gain shakes to gain weight. They are loaded with many empty calories. I’m going to show you the natural way to gain weight so you can increase your volume.

You should start by eating 20 calories per pound of body weight. If you weigh around 120 pounds, start eating around 2,400 calories.

If you don’t see an increase on the scale after two weeks, increase your calorie intake by 300-500. Rinse and repeat this step if you don’t see an increase again.

You should try to eat every 2-3 hours to fuel your muscles and minimize fat gain. If you sit down to eat a few thousand calories at a time, your body cannot burn the calories fast enough and you will end up storing a lot of fat. That is why it is necessary to divide meals into smaller portions throughout the day.

You can’t skip breakfast. I’ve talked to a lot of skinny people and most of them tell me they don’t eat breakfast. Never skip it and make sure it’s the best meal of the day.

You have to grow up on a clean diet. Sorry, but there is no point in gaining 100 pounds of fat if you are trying to build a muscular body. Try to eat clean for about 80% of the time. It is not realistic to be 100% dedicated to a clean diet when you have a social life.

When it comes to exercise, it has a lot to do with quality over quantity. Too many people focus on spending long hours in the gym, but they don’t know what to do to build muscle the right way. Just think back to the olden days when no one had a gym or people who performed millions of sets of bicep curls and abdominal exercises on machines. They focused on the basics, and the basics are what makes people gain weight and build muscle.

The exercises you should focus on in the gym are the ones that target multiple muscle groups in your body. For example, squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Stop spending so much time on burned out games or trying to go for the “bombshell” style. You go in, lift heavy things, and go out.

Bulking up and building muscle has a lot to do with what and how you eat. Working out in the gym is just a very small factor. Also, you need more sleep at night so your muscles can recover faster to grow.


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