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My husband is cheating on me and I am afraid to confront him

I just found out my husband is cheating on me and I’m scared, confused and unsure what to do now that I know. Are these the thoughts running through her head now that she has found out that her husband has been having an affair? Unfortunately, she is not alone, but there are some steps she can take to recover from her adulterous behavior.

My husband is cheating on me is something no woman really wants to have to deal with because there is a lot of pain involved. For many women they feel rejected, unworthy and unattractive once they find out that their husband has been unfaithful. They also feel trapped if their husband is the one who earns money and provides the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter and other things.

Once you are convinced that your husband is cheating on you, my thought is that you have to confront him. I have no doubt that you will end up confronting him about it, whether you choose to or not. If you don’t end their relationship, I assure you it will continue and at some point they will probably face you with the divorce papers.

My husband is cheating on me: how to deal with it

First, I would recommend that you review your evidence and make sure that what you have discovered is, in fact, what you believe it to be. You don’t have to be 100% sure, but you don’t want to make false accusations that lead to a split between you based on a feeling you have. I just want you to have confidence and not be easily persuaded that you are wrong. You also don’t want to tip off your husband and help him cover up his affair before you patch things up.

Next, I suggest that you find out how you will confront your husband about his cheating. To do this, she writes down what you want to talk about with him and rehearses how you want the conversation to go. For example, do you want to talk about the most compelling evidence first and not give him a chance to try to escape the confession? Perhaps you are like some other women who say “if my husband is cheating on me, I want him to come clean, without me forcing him to.” In this case, I would bring up the subject and see if she lies about it or grovels and admits to cheating.

Once you figure out how you would like the conversation to take place, I would arrange a quiet time where only you and your husband are present. I would not recommend having the discussion when children or other people are present because you can never predict how the discussion will unfold.

However, if your husband is abusive, physically or verbally, and you are afraid, you may need to have this conversation with a close friend or close relative. Your safety must be considered, even if you are not the one cheating.

It’s important to stay in control of your emotions during the conversation, so make sure you’re physically and emotionally ready to talk about it. Remember that you haven’t done anything wrong here, so don’t be afraid to bring it up.

If you’re ready to discuss your husband’s cheating, just speak from your heart and let him know what you’ve found. Again, refer to the notes or journal she created where she documented her findings. Communicate calmly and with conviction. Let the conversation unfold on its own, and if she did your research correctly, you should get a confession.

My husband cheats on me and confesses, now what?

Keep in mind that what you have done or are about to do is the start of a new life for you and your cheating husband. You have an opportunity before you to restore, rebuild and renew your marriage and relationship if you so desire.

Dealing with a cheating spouse and learning to forgive, love, and trust again is not easy, but it is possible. The key is to make sure you both understand where you are and what it takes to heal.

For some couples, marital counseling is an effective way to deal with infidelity. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for every couple, especially if both partners aren’t ready to deal with the deep issues surrounding the affair.


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