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Tarot Card of the Devil – The Kiss of Judas

The Devil and Death are great controlling forces of the Universe. The destruction and chaos these cards cause pave the way for renewal and rebirth. Nothing is permanent in Life. Sometimes disintegration removes fear, paves the way for you to face them and find renewal, stability, and strength after a struggle.

Life comes with upheavals, turmoil, disconnections or ruptures between families and nations. Life also offers renewal, reconciliation and the opportunity to rise up and find our souls, the true spirit with which we are all born.

Tarot Interpretation of the Devil Card:

Overindulgence and ulterior motives are the Devil’s influence. This is a warning to make sure his motives are pure when he does someone a favor today, even though the temptation will be there. You know what they say about Karma… it always comes back to haunt you in one way or another.

Anyone who has seen the Phantom of the Opera can feel the haunting, the anger, the revenge and all that is evil. He is not alone. The story reveals many untold stories about the evil that humanity is capable of, not excluding color, race, creed, or social position, especially power. Some members of society succumb to forces within them, strong, evil, and destructive to both others and themselves. It is the shadow, rampant and out of control.

A walk through the pages of history recounts many events in human history where the devil has power over them. The monarchy, throughout the world, had its share of betrayal and betrayal, sometimes among the closest family circle and trusted friends. Yes, some of these betrayals were sealed with a kiss. In today’s world, it adds up like a karmic debt.

“We all have a shadow component: parts of the psyche, of our material existence. Through the material world, we can express our creativity, our genius and a means to fulfillment. An unknown writer puts it very well: There is a lot of power and beauty in our instincts, appetites and drives in the material world. But Nature, as a component of the psyche, is largely unconscious and operates behind our backs.” Wikipedia

Our shadows reveal all the disowned parts of our psyche, the slavery that comes with being absorbed by everything negative around us. These shadows become visible by being cast on other people and on the world in general. This trump card calls each of us to confront our Shadow, not to deny or destroy it, but to recognize the reality of it, recognize it as part of us, understand the nature of it, and redirect it toward good.

the kiss of Judas

Micah’s prophecy: The enemies of a man are those of his own house (Micah 7:6).

The Synoptic Gospels identify Judas as the one who delivered Jesus to the soldiers by means of a kiss. This is known as the Kiss of Judas, the kiss that betrayed Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, after his Last Supper.

Jesus was arrested by the Sanhedrin police force (Kilgallen 271). In the Christian world/theology, the Last Supper, the kiss of Judas and the subsequent trial of Jesus, the carrying of the Cross, ultimately the Crucifixion is the beginning of the Passion. After Jesus’ death, he was taken down from the cross, placed in a tomb and then resurrected. Easter Sunday marks the Resurrection of Jesus in the Christian world and the end of the Passion.

Was Judas the original spy? Surely betrayal for a price has existed before the time of Jesus. This betrayal is prominent in religious history with damnation. Power and greed have always been great motivators.

With our changing social norms, it’s not uncommon to hug and kiss just about anyone who crosses your path. Haven’t you experienced kissing someone on the cheeks pointlessly? Or maybe ready to stab them in the back or strangle them?

The kiss of Judas is still very present among us. Judas was aware of what he was doing, but he did not anticipate the consequences: Jesus ended up on the cross. He tried to correct what he did, some stories say that he tried to return the thirty pieces of silver. Was Judas a means to fulfill the prophecy that the Son of God will sacrifice his life to redeem us?

The kiss of Judas, in the end, cost him his life. Judas was among the twelve disciples of Jesus. He walked with Jesus, listened to his preaching and parables. Judas witnessed many miracles. He was in “blessed” and highly spiritual company. Judas was not lacking in knowledge, he was known for his intelligence. He sat at the table of the Last Supper. However, he gave Jesus the kiss of betrayal.

Was the Kiss of Judas a kiss of death as well as a kiss of damnation?


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