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Traffic in Phnom Penh Cambodia?

Traffic in Phnom Penh may seem like an accident waiting to happen, but breaking the law will cost you a lot of time and money.

Anyone who has been on the streets of Cambodia on two, three or four wheels knows that it is a free-for-all. There are bylaws that seem to apply only when the boys in blue are close enough to assess the value of arresting a violator. And like it or not, the alien is viewed through dollar sign etched glasses and will often be stopped for what seems like the most mundane reason.

Just the other week my wife was pulled over for having “a dirty vehicle.” Technically, there is no law against having a dirty vehicle, as you can probably tell from some trucks that are so covered in provincial red dirt or general dirt that it’s impossible to identify the original color. Needless to say, she handed over the required $5 fine, largely because our daughter was in the vehicle and it wasn’t worth struggling in the midday heat.

By the way, so to speak. Drivers who are stopped by police and want to persuade them to obey Cambodian law point out that no traffic fine for a car or van can exceed 10,000 riels, which is about $2.50. As for motorcycles, it’s a manageable 5,000 riel for serious offenses and 2,000 riel for offenses like running a red light. If more than those sums are required, it is up to you to argue or pay.

However, despite the current chaos and horror stories, there are traffic laws here. Parliament approved a full set of rules in December 2006 and they are being implemented very slowly.

Strangely for Cambodia, unnecessary noise is included in the ordinances, as the use of the horn is only allowed during the day to inform road users of a traffic accident.

Vehicles 49cc and over need proof of a licensed driver, registration and inspection. There are five license grades: A1 for motorcycles from 49cc-125cc, A2 for motorcycles over 125cc and vehicles with trailers, B for vehicles that carry fewer than 10 passengers, carry goods under 3.5 tons, and/or tow less of 0.75 tons. B card holders can also drive the same vehicles as A1 holders but No same as A2 holders. However, no one can answer how to get a license that allows you to drive large cars and motorcycles.

Motorcycles must have rear view mirrors and drivers must wear a safety helmet.

When a traffic light is yellow, it is a signal to prepare to stop or go. Driving is prohibited if the driver has 0.5 mg of alcohol per liter of gasoline or 0.25 mg per liter of blood. Therefore, the reason to drive a big SUV? The maximum speed for vehicles in the city is 30 km/h for all motorcycles and tricycles, and 40 km/h for all cars. Outside the city, the maximum speed for all vehicles is 90 km/h. On highways (national roads), in the city the maximum is 60 km/h, 100 km/h outside the city.

If you open a car door and cause an accident, you are to blame, and all road accidents are “under the jurisdiction of the traffic police.” After an accident, everyone involved must stop and report it to the traffic police.

If there are no injuries, the parties involved can reach an agreement or request the intervention of the police. If there are injuries or deaths, you should help take the victims to a nearby hospital, do not tamper with the evidence, and wait for the police to arrive. Police officers are authorized to impound your vehicle, as well as issue fines or confiscate your license for minor offenses. If you find yourself in such a situation, stay calm and resign yourself to the fact that it will take time to resolve. Bringing copies of the legal code, along with as many people as you can muster, to the police station will help. Cash is of course faster.


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