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Why do quality leaders never give up?

Although there are so many essential, necessary, and important considerations in becoming a quality, meaningful, and effective leader, one of the most important, all too often overlooked, is persistence! Often it is simply a matter of which individual is willing to persist and persevere when others TO GIVE up, what a difference the best leaders from the rest of the pack! There will always be some obstacles that interfere with one’s main plan, and one either be prepared, with a contingency plan, or let the obstacle become a debilitating problem. Great leadership comes from turning obstacles into challenges instead of problems! It is simply necessary to consider the difference between how one perceives and conceives the obstacles, and if he leaves them, manages them or decides to control them, in a proactive and transformative way! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Generate goodwill; increase; Greater Good: If a leader can’t generate goodwill, how can he inspire and motivate others to follow him? If they don’t follow it, the group will not consistently experience the growth necessary to remain strong, relevant and sustainable! Instead of considering the reasons for settling for less, one should focus on the best path to achieve the greater good!

two. ideas; innovate; conceived; insecurities; instincts; perspectives: One must be willing to overcome any personal insecurity and expand the limitations of their self-imposed comfort zone! To do so, you must be able to imagine what it should be and innovate to implement well-thought-out ideas. Great leaders develop the instincts and have the insights to proceed, move forward, in a relevant and sustainable way!

3. Vision; vitality; worth; values: Measure the quality and significance of one’s vital and vibrant leader, whether it inspires and motivates others, with a sense of vitality, etc.! A great leader delivers both significant and essential value that aligns with the values ​​of the group and its constituents!

Four. Empathy; emphasis; energy / energize; endurance; Excellence: Becoming a better leader starts with listening and learning effectively, from every conversation and experience, to spend your emphasis, where it will energize others, in a positive way! Will you have the degree of personal energy that increases your resistance, so that you continue to pursue what is needed and is necessary, with the highest degree of your personal excellence?

If you want to make a real difference, for the better, you must persist and never TO GIVE up! Are you ready, willing and prepared for the task?


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