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Why is it important to read the Bible?


“Of the many influences that have made the United States a distinctive nation and people, none can be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.” – President Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States

I am not trying to instill my beliefs in you or convert you to Christianity, but understanding how imperative it is to learn about God and the many practices in the Bible can really lead to your first steps towards success and living a better life. This chapter paints a vivid picture of the importance of understanding God and the Bible. I do believe in God, and I put him first and last before everything I do. I commend you for having an open mind, regardless of your beliefs.

There is book knowledge, street knowledge and Bible knowledge, and Bible knowledge covers everything because the Bible gives instructions for life. Instructions, by definition, are detailed information that tells how something should be made, operated, and assembled. In our lives, we use instructions for most everything that was created. Can you imagine trying to change the oil in a German car with absolutely no knowledge of cars and no instructions, or maybe trying to put together a complicated TV mount without any guidance, only to find it was poorly assembled?

If so, you can see why it is necessary to have guidelines to help us navigate through the complexity of life. Do you think someone created us? Okay I will! After all, man is the greatest creation on earth. Man is God’s masterpiece, and if you don’t believe in God, you can’t deny that we are a creation like no other. The Bible is our instruction manual for God’s creation, and it is our duty to read it before we fail.

The problem is that most of us rarely read the instructions for everything we operate. But as soon as there is a malfunction, we take out the manual to fix the problem. We navigate life in exactly the same way, too, and it’s not until we’re sick, broken, or divorced that we seek knowledge. I recommend reading the Bible as a guide because it’s true about everything it talks about, and it talks about literally EVERYTHING on this planet.

When I say the Bible is true about everything it talks about, and it talks about literally EVERYTHING, I don’t say that lightly because for every challenge or problem you face in life, whether it’s marriage or raising your children, everything it is covered in the bible.

If you want to learn more about love and marriage, there are many verses in the Bible that can help you sum up what it means to be in love and commit to your partner.

If you have children, the verses on raising our children are irrefutable and after reading a few of them, I realized that I needed to improve a lot more as a parent. You’ll be surprised how much you don’t know but think you do know about parenting, and the Bible can surely keep you in check.

The book of Proverbs is all about wisdom, so if you have any penchant for becoming wise, Proverbs is definitely a great read. After all, isn’t wisdom what we seek?

God’s word helps us find who we really are. So when you read God’s word, it transforms you into the image of Christ and can help you find purpose. Jesus Christ was the greatest religious leader, philosopher, and influential person to ever live on our planet, so it’s really a good idea to learn from the best, and reading the Bible is a great way to get closer to or understand the person you’re with. . I’m trying to model.

Dave Ramsey, one of America’s most trusted voices on money management and author of The Total Money Makeover, said that one of the main reasons our culture has prospered is because of our understanding and application of Biblical truths. You see, Bible-believing Christians believe in sowing and reaping, what the rest of the world calls cause and effect. Most of the best self-development books and leaders in the world today have assimilated the knowledge of the Bible and deciphered and regurgitated it in layman’s terms. I don’t believe that people change the word, but the point is that they get the information from the Bible.

Some of the world’s greatest orators, such as Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, and Jim Rohn, practiced some of the principles of the Bible. John C. Maxwell, the world’s number one leadership guru, pastor, and author of a multitude of best-selling books, uses the principles taught in the good book to train more than 5 million leaders. So the next time he feels he’s hemmed in by instructions on life, remember that the Bible is true in everything it says, and it talks about literally EVERYTHING on this planet.

I encourage you to read the Bible, give it a good chance, and add it to your book collection because there is so much to learn from it.

Proverbs 1:8: “Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may take care to do everything that is written in it; then you will be prosperous and prosperous.”


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