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10 ways to manage stress

If we can’t find the top 10 ways to manage stress, then our priorities in the area of

self-improvement needs a readjustment.

As someone who is surrounded by many supporters of personal development,

I’ve heard enough of this (in assorted versions): “There’s no such thing as stress.” “Stress is

a ghost of our own making.” I try not to dismiss them as personal development snobs.

Because the fact is that I agree with the metaphysical meaning of those statements.

today’s reality

However, life is that people ARE looking for ways to manage stress. If everything was perfect then

surely we would not manufacture stress because we would be perfect to live the Truth that

“We create our own reality.” And who would be stupid enough to create stress? But the truth is that people DO

create stress; Whether knowingly or unknowingly is a different discussion.

Even if stress serves its own dysfunctional purpose, most people are smart enough

realize that they don’t want to be stressed for too long, as

they begin to value other things more than the stress they have created. So once you’ve decided that his stress

need to calm down, what do you turn to? I have outlined what I have discovered, through my own personal experience.

chaotic life, and observing other very proactive stress managers.

My Top 10 Ways to Manage Stress

In no particular order:

1. Time planning or management

As personal development teacher Jim Rohn likes to say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Very few things happen to us by surprise. Most of the things that end up stressing us out could have been

avoided if we had carefully planned our time well in advance. On paper. Keep a daily/weekly planner

sounds unattractive and mundane, but it’s the best thing you can do to avoid feeling overwhelmed with

workloads And this brings us to the next best invention since sliced ​​bread.

2. Outsource, outsource, outsource.

The 4 hour work week Author Timothy Ferris puts it best, “how much is it costing you

financially, emotionally and physically to postpone action? Don’t just assess the potential

downside of the action. Just as important is measuring the appalling cost of inaction.” I don’t like to clean and organize my house.

I used to put it off, and I would feel “bad” every time I was reminded that I was putting off that area of ​​my life.

So now I have a friend come over and do it for me. I give up eating

in expensive restaurants to be able to pay him.

So what frivolous things are you spending money on (including those shoes

and those jewelry and those toys you keep buying) that you could give up to pay someone to do what you hate to do?

Why fill yourself with self-hatred every time you see your house in disarray, your lawn that needed to be cut 2 weeks ago, your

accounting that hasn’t been touched in 9 months?

3. Eat well

Another of the top 10 ways I use to manage stress is to feed my body the right way: the right foods, right. I’m one

of those hypoglycemic people, so if I allow myself to be too hungry, I will definitely be too angry. Also, eating poorly

Foods, like too many refined foods, irritate not only my GI tract, but also my mood.

4. Exercise eg. yoga, running

I like to do at least an hour a day, 5-6 days a week, in the gym. When I quit my exercise regimen, especially if I don’t

I exercise for a week or more at a time, I feel my stress levels rise. Scientific backing says that exercising

It produces endorphins, brain chemicals that produce general feelings of euphoria. Exercises like yoga also help

causing one to calm the mind, focus inwardly, and center oneself.

5. Relaxing music

Instead of blaring the TV with incredibly negative news that distorts my view of the world and makes me

Even more irritating, sometimes I like to put on soothing, relaxing music and just let it play in the background.

6. Laughter

Every night I record a comedy show that I know I can watch when I need a laugh.

Laughter is our body’s built-in stress buster. It has even been documented that laughter

low blood pressure. In his book Jokes and their relationship with the unconscious,

Sigmund Freud describes laughter

as the body’s way of safely releasing anxiety, aggression, fear, and anger. The researchers tell

we that laughter decreases stress hormones, including adrenaline, cortisol, epinephrine,

dopac and growth hormone, allowing them to return to normal levels. these stress

Hormones constrict blood vessels causing high blood pressure and heart problems.

7. Massage

Most people don’t realize that when we get stressed, the stress is localized to certain areas of our body.

The next time you feel angry, agitated, or frustrated, take the time to notice what area of ​​your

body is experiencing the sensation. For most of us, it’s the neck, shoulder, back, etc. physical stress

it will also make certain areas of our body tense. A leading professional massage therapist.

You will easily identify which areas of your body feel tense and tight. then they can

to work your magic fingers to help relieve tension in those areas. A good one hour professional massage is a gift I give

myself every two weeks.

8. Relax by driving or biking

Another of my 10 favorite ways to manage stress is to simply get away from it all.

Many people I know get in the car and just drive down the road, take a bike ride, or even take a drive in the country on the weekend.

as a way to de-stress.

9. Meditate

Of the 10 most helpful ways to manage stress, meditation is hands down the most effective I’ve ever used. whatever it is

what meditation does to the body, only people who meditate regularly know. Regular meditation, at least 15 minutes twice

a day not only helps me feel extremely happy most of the time, but it helps my creativity flow with ease. i feel amazing

spiritually fed.

10. Time Out/Nap/Sleep

And the last of my top 10 ways to manage stress… Go to bed!

I once read from a self-improvement teacher that you always want to rest before you get tired. well most of us

don’t, or feel we can’t afford it. But what’s worse is that most people won’t even rest WHEN they are

stressed and tired. They just keep going. But over time they will become overwhelmed, burnt out, and perhaps crushed and burned.

Taking a break can be invaluable; whether it is taking a nap or a long bath, or reading a pleasant novel, or simply having a

long night’s sleep for once. Of course, taking a real Vacations are one of the best ways to

get rid of our bad mood.


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