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5 useful methods to prevent hemorrhoid pain

Many adult people suffer from the immense pain of hemorrhoids, which is a specific disease that causes inflammation in the patient’s anus. According to medical science, hemorrhoids are due to the formation of a mass of hemorrhoids in the anal passage or in the lower part of the rectum. Although these hemorrhoids look like a mass of tissue, they are actually a bunch of swollen veins running through that part of the body.

Hemorrhoids are generally believed to be due to persistent suffering from constipation or diarrhea for a long time. Sometimes some pregnant women also suffer from piles, which increase their agony during the gestation period. A prolonged habit of lifting very heavy weights on the shoulders or back can also lead to the formation of piles. The habit of expelling stool from the intestine is often considered a major cause of piles; This practice can damage the rectal veins and result in the formation of these painful hemorrhoids. The genetic factor can also play a role in the development of hemorrhoids, as is the case in many patients.

Mostly, it is seen that the piles are formed within the anal passage or rectum and hence they are called internal piles. But it is also seen that some patients suffer from external piles, where the formation of the piles occurs on the outer edge of the anus. Although piles are not considered deadly at all, patients suffer greatly while sitting and mainly during excretion of stool. In addition, patients experience an uncomfortable itchy sensation in the anal area, almost all of the time. Loss of blood is another vital symptom of piles, which make patients weak. Therefore, it is better to prevent the onset of this agonizing disease, implementing certain simple changes in the daily lifestyle of a person.

The most common and useful preventive measures for piles.

1. Drink plenty of water: As constipation is known to be the main cause of piles, the habit of drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can be helpful in preventing hemorrhoids, as water can cause actively digestion is faster and smoother, as well as bowel movement much easier, and therefore drinking water can cure the problem of constipation, leading to the prevention of hemorrhoids.

2. Add some fibers to the daily diet: Various fibrous foods can act quickly to alleviate the problem of constipation, leading to the safe prevention of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is better to include some fibers in the regular diet of each person, which are available in abundance in whole grains, such as oats, barley and brown rice; as well as in many fresh fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, apples, pears, broccoli, and peas. Various types of beans and lentils are also considered good sources of fiber for the human body. A healthy person needs at least 25 g of fiber in their food per day, to completely prevent the appearance of piles. The idea of ​​using laxatives as a form of fibers often doesn’t work well, as many laxatives create additional pressure on the digestive system, thus increasing the problem of hemorrhoids. However, some natural laxatives, such as psyllium husk, work very well to alleviate the problem of constipation and stop the formation of piles.

3. Failure to suppress the urge to excrete – Many people have a habit of suppressing their urge to relieve excretory pressure; so they can take care of other important works first. But this practice results in the absorption of fluids from the stool, leading to the requirement of forced excretion and, ultimately, the agonizing problem of piles. Therefore, it is extremely important to leave any other job and respond immediately to the call of nature, to keep all these problems at bay. People should not spend too much time on the toilet seat, to expel stool, as this can further damage the piles hemorrhoids, increasing the virulent pain.

4. Warning of any situation that may strain the anal veins – Often times the veins of the anal passage become strained and injured due to the pressure created during the excretion of stool, especially in the case of patients suffering from constipation. But these veins can also become strained due to regular lifting of heavy weights or vigorous coughing for a long time. The late stage of pregnancy can also put some strain on these veins, causing increased formation of piles.

5. Do physical exercises regularly – It is always known that the habit of practicing various physical exercises daily is very beneficial for health. But according to doctors, patients suffering from hemorrhoids should not undergo overly vigorous training regimens, as this can put too much pressure on the injured anal veins and increase pain. However, everyone can do mild exercises, such as yoga, hands-free aerobics, brisk walking, or swimming; which will actually minimize the inflammation caused by the piles as well as prevent the formation of the piles to a great extent. It is advisable to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, for the best results.

Batteries can usually be cured with proper medication and only a few simple restrictions. But in extremely complicated cases, surgery may be necessary for the total cure of this problem.


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