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Data Science: The Path to Unlocking the Highest Paying Jobs in the Near Future

“Data is the new gold mine!” The statement is of great importance when it comes to today’s business world. Today’s business environment is largely managed on the basis of data-driven decisions. You might be surprised to learn that approximately 2.5 trillion bytes of data is generated each day. It’s certainly a huge amount, isn’t it? Now just think what would happen if due to a system malfunction or some other problem, all this data is lost. It would be a big hassle for companies and it would cost them a lot. This is the key reason why there is a substantial demand for data scientists in the job market. In fact, the job profile of a ‘data scientist’ is already declared the most sought after profession in the 21st century. So the time is right for you to take advantage of growth and build a career that you will be proud of.

Wide acceptance of data science

With the implementation of Big Data in almost every sphere of our lives and in the near future, there would be no business organization that can afford to ignore the importance of data science. If they do, chances are high that they will lose their competition. Smaller companies with adequate data management skills will triumph over larger corporations with limited data knowledge and experience. Even startups don’t miss out on making data-driven decisions. The business world has well understood the relevance of data science in the modern setting. If this huge data set can be examined and calculated using a scientific approach, it can help organizations draw meaningful conclusions, which directly means better business decisions, more profits, and a higher return on investment.

More data, more jobs, more salary

Whether they are startups or giant corporations, there is no business in the modern age that does not depend on data and analytics to make business decisions. According to reports published by the McKinsey Global Institute, around 40 zettabytes of data would cover the Internet by 2020. This will facilitate a sharp increase in demand for Big Data and Data Science professionals. With more time, the popularity of Big Data will reach a new level as more companies begin to embrace this lucrative opportunity for business growth. With the high demand for qualified professionals and the lower supply of them, according to economic principles, the salary structure would be quite attractive. It is a fact that data scientists are the ones who get the highest paying jobs compared to other engineers and people who work in similar job profiles.

Also, when we talk about data, how can we miss the opportunity to show some data related to the profession of Data Scientist? According to a report published by an online education portal, there has been a dramatic increase in the listing and application for data science related jobs. There is a whopping 200% YoY increase in searching for ‘data science’ jobs, while at least a 50% YoY increase has been noticed on the list of such job requirements. Therefore, it is clear that data science is here not only to stay and survive, but also to thrive and rule.

Higher salary potential

Data analysis skills are the demand of the moment. Almost every industry is in dire need of trained professionals who have the right knowledge to properly manage data and deliver meaningful results that enable companies to take their operations to a whole new level. That said, it’s pretty clear that only trained professionals can get maximum exposure in this data-driven age and enjoy a higher pay structure.

According to a research report published by an international organization, the median annual salary for data scientists globally in 2015 was $ 130,000. Now, the demand has grown even more and the salary structure has also increased to a greater extent. In India, the average salary structure for data science professionals is quite lucrative. An analytics professional in India can earn up to INR 15 lakh per year in the first few years, which increases even more with experience. The most interesting factor is that data science is not only popular in India, but other foreign markets are also looking for highly trained professionals. So if you have the relevant talent and knowledge and are ambitious enough to grow and succeed, Data Science offers you the perfect opportunity to make your dreams come true.

At TimesPro, we’ve partnered with industry experts like Google, Intel, Flipkart, and Fractal Analytics to create a comprehensive, results-oriented professional learning program on data science, covering the basics of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. At TimesPro, a premier data science institute in Bangalore, we promote a learning environment where students not only know the basics of data science, but are also prepared to enter the industry with a confidence immense and amplified potential. We believe that it is constant practice that makes an individual an expert in their job function. That is why, on our campus, we ensure that our students have sufficient exposure to the industry and have a deep insight into deep-seated challenges, as well as their solutions. The future world is about to depend heavily on how we use data. Therefore, our goal at TimesPro is to create industry-ready professionals who can harness the growing opportunity and grow with the growth of the industry.


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