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Genre Novels: Word Count Rules, Subgenres, and Guidelines for Publishing Your Book

Wondering “How long is my book? How long should my book be? What genre is my book or novel?” Keep reading. If you’ve written a novel, use this article to make sure your book meets the basic guidelines of literary agents and book publishers. They are more likely to publish it if your book follows the “rules” of its genre (whether it is romance, suspense, western, fantasy, young adult, historical, or horror).

Disclaimer: Please note that the following information is an overview of the guidelines. For best results, always look for information specific to your project.

The rules of fantasy novels Fantasy is generally about world building (creating alternate worlds). Avoid cliches in your characterization and let your main themes be strong but subtle. Always research editors’ guidelines: a publisher sets up warnings like “no time machines, please.”

Fantasy novels can contain between 80,000 and 150,000 words (approximately). Fantasy novels can be a bit longer than other novels and are sometimes serialized.

Fantasy subgenres include: tall, mannered fantasy, alternate history, dark, historical, steampunk, urban, wuxia, and more.

The rules of genre romance novels A romance generally emphasizes the heroine’s perspective, and the reader must immerse themselves in the love story. Romance ends with some kind of happily ever after.

How long is a romance novel? A stand-alone romance novel typically has between 80,000 and 100,000 words. A category romance novel (such as those published by Harlequin) is generally shorter, and each “print” will have its own criteria. Make sure you know what impression you are targeting before you start writing.

Romance subgenres include: female fiction, Regency, historical, fantasy / science fiction, contemporary, Christian, time travel, paranormal, erotic, and more.

The rules of historical fiction genre novelsResearch and attention to detail are of the utmost importance in historical fiction. The characters must behave in accordance with the times. Plots can be “big” (with many strong characters and dealing with big or complex problems). Some histories are part of a saga (a series of books that covers generations within a family or many characters).

How long is a historical novel? A standalone historical book can be between 85,000 and 100,000 words. Publishing a book of more than 100,000 words is difficult (especially for beginners), but historical novels are sometimes longer.

The rules of mystery genre novels Pay particular attention to the plot and rhythm of this genre. Present the murder or crime early and investigate the methods by which the crime was committed. Research forensic, criminal justice, and detective procedures to build credibility.

How long is a mystery novel? The mysteries vary in duration. Standalone mysteries (which can coincide with thrillers) can be between 75,000 and 100,000 words long. Cozy mysteries, like those in a series, are usually brief.

Mystery subgenres include: Crime, Hardcore, True Crime, Cozy, Amateur Detective, Supernatural, Police Procedure, and more.

The Rules of Thriller Genre Novels The emphasis in thrillers is on strong characters, action, and fast pacing. Thrillers usually show clear antagonists and protagonists. Thrillers can be graphic and gritty or somewhat more tame. The focus is always on hold.

How long is a thriller novel? Thrillers are generally between 90,000 and 100,000 words (loosely), but they can be a bit longer as well.

Thriller subgenres include: conspiracy, crime, action, politics, disaster, erotic, eco, legal, and more.

The rules of horror genre novels Fears and phobias influence the reader’s emotions in this genre. There is often a supernatural and paranormal element, but as always, stay away from cliches.

Horror novels vary in length and are generally between 80,000 and 100,000 words.

Horror subgenres include: Ghost, Erotic, Psychological, Body Horror, Strange Threat, Hidden Detective, and more.

The Rules of Young Adult Genre Novels (YA) Young Adult Fiction (YA) is aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18. The tone, style, and content of junior novels change depending on the specific age of the target audience. Gender can address G-rated issues or it can be very edgy.

Youth books are typically 40,000 to 75,000 words long, depending on the target age group.

“Edgy” YA tackles controversial or difficult topics. Otherwise, the YA subgenres are the same as the adult fiction subgenres.

The Rules of Western Genre Novels Westerns must be located west of the Mississippi River and before 1900. Historical details must be accurate. Westerns are very specific and specialized, but make sure you don’t rely on clichés!

How tall is a western book? Westerns tend to be shorter, between 45,000 and 75,000 words (more or less).


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