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Helpful Tips for Avoiding Asthma, Especially in Young Children

If you are among those who have trouble breathing during the winter, clear the air. Think of the millions of bacteria, germs, viruses, and fungi that die every day while an allergy air purifier works. Our homes are so airtight that germs, bacteria, viruses, and fungi simply flourish in the heat of winter’s kitchen. Add in the illness of family members that is not challenged by the fresh air, and then you have continuous illness. Asthmatics have a hard time in winter. Too many children with asthma have a hard time recovering from colds. Colds persist. His lungs are tense, and before you know it, it’s a serious lung disease.

There are some things you can do to improve your chances. Use an allergy air purifier at least in the child’s room. Use as many throughout the house as possible. Eliminate as many harmful bacteria, germs, viruses, and fungi from the air as possible. When we breathe or sneeze, our illnesses spread through the air without being challenged and with nothing to defeat them. However, there is something to beat them: allergy air purifiers kill 99.97% of all airborne bacteria, germs, viruses and fungi in a particular area. Allergy air purifiers use hepa filtration that captures 99.97% of biological pollutants in the air. You can’t just buy one and expect it to be cleaned everywhere. Allergy air purifiers clean a specific surface by using fans to suck in the air. Contaminants suck into the hepa filter.

Buy allergy air purifiers and place them throughout the house. Since the most common place to find mold is in the basement, run an allergy air purifier along with a basement dehumidifier.

Air purifiers for allergies have been around for some time. However, doctors are not really interested in preventive medicine to the extent necessary. If so, everyone would know to use air purifiers throughout the house to prevent not only asthma attacks, but also flu, colds, viruses, and much more. If you do get sick, make it easier to recover with fresh air. Clean surfaces carefully. Clearing the air helps the healthy to stay healthy and the sick to recover faster.

Winter is an important time for colds, asthma attacks, respiratory viruses and infections, the flu, and more. Asthmatics already have breathing difficulties, especially in winter. It makes sense to clean the air and give them a better chance to stay healthy. The chance of having an asthma attack in the winter is high, especially in hot, dry air. A cold or flu can increase asthma attacks.

If there is an inherited predisposition to asthma in your family, give your child a head start by constantly cleaning the air with allergy air purifiers. Even if you don’t have this problem in your genes, the problem of asthma is increasing in the general population. Young lungs are not fully developed. Having pneumonia or bronchitis can damage young, developing lungs. Many children end up with permanent damage.

Consider asthma triggers. Exposure to mold is a definite trigger for asthma. Keep mold levels low by cleaning the air. A hidden leak can cause mold to grow at any time. Repair leaks immediately and pat area dry. Basements are the most common source of mold in homes. Basements age over time and become susceptible to leaks as the foundation gives way to the pressure of groundwater. Mold is known not only to trigger asthma attacks, but it can also cause asthma.

The many benefits of using allergy air purifiers cannot be understated. Cleaning biological pollutants from the air, in addition to cleaning the air of harmful chemicals, can prevent young people from developing potentially harmful diseases such as cancer, while also preventing asthma attacks. The many chemicals we breathe are the result of the emission of gases. Breathing chemicals is not healthy. One of the side effects of being so blessed with so many possessions is the fact that what we possess is full of chemicals. Chemicals leach out when exposed to high humidity. Not only is it vital to clean the air with allergy air purifiers, but it is also important to reduce humidity with dehumidifiers. This is especially true in the case of high humidity in the basement.

Keep the heat low to avoid drying out the air. It is difficult to breathe hot, dry air. Wear more clothes to stay warm. Place containers of water preferably out of the reach of small children. Moisten the air. Be careful when using humidifiers as they can get moldy.

Helps frequent cleaning of surfaces. Dust, clean all surfaces with borax, and then periodically vacuum all surfaces. Hepa filtration captures mold, bacteria, viruses, germs and pollen, etc. in a hepa filter. There is a staggering 99.97% success rate in vacuuming dust and harmful chemicals and pollutants. The duo of cleaning surfaces and air makes perfect sense. Traditional medicine should consider educating parents on the merits of allergy air purifiers to prevent asthma attacks. Hopefully in the future that will be the case.

Successful use of allergy air purifiers to prevent asthma attacks

For best results, use allergy air purifiers year-round. Think about allergies and pollen counts. Keep them low. As soon as you open a door or a window, pollen enters. Pollen is also a known allergy and asthma trigger. As mentioned above, as the weather becomes wetter and the rainy season occurs in the spring, mold increases and the release of chemical gases occurs. Addressing indoor air pollution is also essential. Since there is more than one way asthma attacks occur, removing chemicals and other pollutants from the indoor air also helps the lungs rest from attacks. Multiple attacks of chemical sensitivity occur when a person reacts to strong odors. Perfumes often trigger this reaction. Some cannot breathe with this condition and need an emergency inhaler. Scents and strong chemicals are also known triggers for an asthma attack. In reality, scientists believe that chemicals can also trigger cancer. Breathing chemicals is not good for anyone. Consider the young lungs of children. An interesting thought: Can exposure to indoor air pollutants cause asthma in young, developing lungs? Would these children be healthy in other conditions?

Add a basement dehumidifier for best results

Since mold usually starts in a basement, stop this well-known trigger for asthma attacks by preventing mold in the basement. There is no way to stop mold growth without dehumidifying your basement. Since basements are naturally dark, humid, and warm, the perfect environment is there for mold growth. This also applies to any damp area in the house. If you can’t reduce the humidity in a specific area of ​​your home, use a dehumidifier. There are dehumidifiers for any room and for any purpose.

Staying free from asthma attacks

Clean the air and trigger surfaces. Using allergy air purifiers year-round is necessary to reduce triggers. Eliminate mold and prevent mold in your home. Using a basement dehumidifier and allergy air purifiers are weapons for cleaning the air. Keep the house cool. Bring in fresh air to keep indoor air pollution to a minimum. Opening the windows all year round.

Live healthy … be happy

Here are some amazing facts about asthma:

1. According to the American Asthma Foundation: Nearly 1 in 9 children has asthma. This statistic continues to rise and parents need to know.

2. Asthma is the “most common cause of childhood disability. AAF

3. Asthma affects poor inner-city children at an alarming rate of at least 50% developing asthma. These children are often behind in school. AAF

4. 13 million days of school missed due to asthma. AAF

5. Medical treatment for asthma only partially controls asthma even with the best treatments. AAF

6. Some asthmatics do not respond to the best treatments. AAF

7. There is 11% of the elderly population with asthma. AAF

8. Most asthma deaths occur in adults. AAF

We would like to thank the American Asthma Foundation for this information, specifically the statistics.


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