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Health Fitness

How HGH Reduces Fat Without Exercise

Human growth hormone [HGH] It does more than simply cause fat loss. Tea
Today’s typical weight loss programs result not only in fat loss but also
also in many cases the loss of body mass. With HGH therapy there is not only
fat loss, but also the replacement of fat by muscle, which is why in
In some cases, people gain weight to their greatest advantage over the more
sculpted body and better health. Human Growth Hormone Actually Rethinks
your body, resulting in a younger and better functioning person.

Once we hit our mid-30s, there is this accelerating evolution
from a beautifully chiseled body to a more drop-like shape. Our lean body
mass (LBM) including all of our organs begin to wither while fat mass also
known as increased fat mass. In fact, between the ages of 30 and 75
Organs such as the brain, kidneys, liver, and pancreas atrophy by as much as 30.
It is now a well known medical fact that this fat gain significantly
increases the risk of heart attack, hypertension and diabetes and even
contributes to cancer.

The first long-term studies with HGH were conducted by Dr. Rudman in 1989 in
Saint Thomas in London in 24 growth hormone deficient adults.
Half the group was given a placebo while the other group was given
growth hormone. After six months, those taking growth hormone had lost an average
of 12.5 pounds of fat and gained an average of 12.1 pounds of lean body mass
which was mainly muscle. The study wouldn’t be as meaningful if it were just
related to the fact that the study was conducted in people with disease or removal
pituitary acorns, as this would only be limited to a few thousand people in
the United States.

The fact that is significant here is that this is
indicative of a lack of human growth hormone that almost everyone
experiences as they age. Rudman’s study showed that young adults with
Diseases of the pituitary are the same as those of older men and women. Rudman made a six
month of treatment in men between the ages of 60 and 81 giving them human growth
hormone. These men gained an average of 8.8 in fat mass. Also, your skin
thickened density 7.1 and 17. In a follow-up study, it was found after twelve
months of growth hormone treatment there was a further increase with
lean body mass increases by 6, skin thickness by up to 4 growth of a liver
and 23 acceleration in the rate of fat loss that was beyond the effects of
diet alone. In fact, the latest studies from Sweden now show that growth
The hormone is the most effective treatment to get rid of the midlife spread.
and all the diseases that come with it.

In the last 35 years we have gone from having ΒΌ of American citizens overweight to 1 /
3 in 1980 so far a 2/3 majority in 2004. Fat men have pulsatile release
of growth hormone that is three times lower compared to normal-weight men
and have 25 or more retrieve it. On a six-month course of growth hormone
handicapped adults in Sahlgrenska hospital there were a total of 20 compared
with 13 core deep layer body fat and 6.1 total body fat. The placebo group
gained fat during the same period. Also, there was a better glucose intake,
lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides and lower blood pressure.

Central abdominal fat appears to be the main culprit for insulin production.
resistance. This type of resistance, also known as type 2 diabetes, is now found in
academic proportions in the US and is directly related to obesity. Because
HGH is so effective in sucking up this underlying gut fat insulin
improves sensitivity and allows the body to eliminate blood sugar
more effectively. If you are now obese, HGH is a proven product to get
get rid of your fat in the areas where it is so dangerous to your health. In
In fact, it has been shown that the use of HGH will not only cause one to lose
significant weight, but also to gain muscle and even look and feel for decades

In previous studies, growth hormone appeared to counteract the effects of
insulin in glucose metabolism, which makes people more resistant to insulin.
There was an increase in insulin resistance in patients after six weeks of
growth hormone treatment. However, six-month studies show that insulin
sensitivity returns to where it was before treatment. In addition, large studies
with growth hormone show that there is no increased incidence of diabetes. This is
due to the profound changes in body composition after six months that
induces increased sensitivity to insulin due to the elimination of abdominal fat. When
uses growth hormone, tends to direct the action of insulin towards
putting sugar in heart, muscle, and nerve cells, instead of
fat cells.

Why in the world does one go for things like stomach stapling and all the rest?
crazy tricks that often have terrible side effects when HGH will do a lot
best job? A Belgian doctor, Thierry Hertoghe, made a careful body
measurements before and after two months of growth hormone treatment and
recorded a 23-30% contraction in older people’s love handles. Not only is
there is shrinkage of the abdomen but the lower thigh becomes
thinner, while the top gets thicker with more muscle. The belly
Most of his patients’ buttons went up more than 1 inch after two months.
of growth hormone treatment. The skin that hangs from the upper arm of a
woman is a sign of the loss of growth hormone. When a woman gets enough
growth hormone, this hanging skin on the upper arm tightens back to a normal state
more attractive appearance.

Growth hormone increases free fatty acids that make fat stores
available for energy production. There is a process in cells called lipolysis.
Fat cells have receptors for growth hormone and when growth hormone binds to
These receptors trigger a series of enzymatic reactions in the cell to
break down fat. Additionally, Human Growth Hormone increases overall energy.
spending to burn calories faster. Growth hormone is also believed
to counteract the effect of the hormone insulin. Insulin acts as a kind of
door opener to allow the entry of glucose, amino acids and fats into the cells. Growth
hormone dulls the sensitivity of this gate by opposing the action of
insulin, which means that much less fat is absorbed into the cell and the cell is
kept slim.

Growth hormone also conserves the nitrogen needed for muscle building. That
also increases protein synthesis without increasing protein breakdown
in cell. It is a well established fact that growth hormone deficiency
Adults who stop taking growth hormone have a significant decrease in muscle mass.
mass and force. Human growth hormone contributes significantly to the
muscle building and this has been proven in the study of many different
groups including athletes, healthy young men, GH-deficient adults, and the
old man.


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