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How to change your life for the better

Change is something inevitable that has a great dramatic impact on our existence. Every new day is an opportunity to change our life for the better. We are surrounded by variation, and there is no way to avoid change because it will find us, challenge us, and force us to reconsider how we live our lives.

Feeling depressed drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it hard to do what you need to do to have a better life. But you cannot avoid change because the more you resist it, the more difficult your life becomes.

It has this uncanny ability to catch up with you when you least expect it and can create a feeling of restlessness or joy in your life. In those moments, you are faced with having to make a decision or you are forced to do so.

Changing your life for a better one is not a quick or easy fix, but it is not an impossible feat either. Unforeseen circumstances are also not something you can get out of, but you may have more power than you think.

Know the process of your mind
You should know that your conscious processing mind travels at 100 miles per hour around your brain, while your unconscious processing mind travels at about 100,000 miles per hour around you. It’s an amazing feat, isn’t it?

So it means that your conscious is just an observer of what your unconscious dictates as it is the one that makes all the decisions before you have even thought to make a decision. You still don’t believe me?

A recent discovery reveals that your unconscious mind often predicts the decision or response you were going to make, up to seven seconds before your conscious mind realizes what’s happening.

So while you may think you just made a decision, seven seconds before that, your unconscious has already looked at all the options and created the decision you made.

What can you do? The key is to realize that you have a seven second time frame.

Alistair Horscroft, an Australian broadcaster known for his TV series “The Life Guru” has the answer to these seven seconds and made a video about it.

Change is a Catch-22
Change is like a Catch-22! It takes action, but taking action when you get hit or hurt isn’t easy.

Change usually arises in your life as a result of a choice or crisis, or by chance. It is not always easy, surely when you arrive you find yourself at a low point. This is when you need to understand how to adjust your perspective to recover.

Since the circumstances, situations or problems in your existence present themselves without invitation; they throw you off balance with a feeling of confusion, sometimes with fear, and leave you hurt, sometimes to the core.

You cannot prevent unexpected events from happening, control them, or know why you are experiencing such challenging times. However, you can choose how to respond to them. His decisions are the ones that allow him to make changes for the better or not.

What follows are some tips on how to change your life, day by day, to find yourself better coping with unforeseen circumstances and situations that arise.

keep your dreams alive
When problems hit us, our tendency is to withdraw and isolate ourselves. It often feels more comfortable to retreat into our shell. Instead, take that time to learn what’s important in your life.

Focus on your dreams. Think about what makes you happy. Keeping your dreams alive will give you purpose and a sense of direction on how to make the changes you want to live a better life. If you don’t, you’ll spend the rest of your life drifting aimlessly, without dreams, path, focus, or purpose.

You should also know that social support is essential for what happens to you. Find ways, big and small, to help others by getting involved in volunteer work, be a listening ear to a friend in need, spend time with an animal, or do something nice for someone.

make a vision board
As a child, you believed that anything was possible. You would daydream all the time. You had the ability to dream and visualize what you would be when you grew up.

We all lose that ability as we become adults. Your thoughts and ideas are hidden by the responsibilities you assume, and you begin to forget or believe that achieving your dreams is impossible.

Making a Vision Board is a great incentive for you to start achieving and trusting your dreams again. Representing your wishes each day on a vision board will bring about positive changes in life. Then we begin to have faith in the probability of making them come true.

Be positive
You can’t force yourself to have fun or experience pleasure, but you can force yourself to do certain things, even if you don’t feel like it.

Even if the change doesn’t happen right away, you’ll gradually feel better and have more energy so you have time to focus on solutions instead of problems.

Practice meditation. It can help relieve depression, reduce accumulated stress, and increase positive feelings, joy, and well-being. Reward yourself with moments of happiness and appreciate and show gratitude on a daily basis.

It is one of the ways to change your life for the better. You shouldn’t miss out on some great moments because you’re too busy focusing on the challenges of change.

Set goals
Once the life of your dreams looks alive again, you need to take action and set long, medium and short term goals. It is acting on these goals that enables you to bring about change for the better.

Remember that your life can change as unexpected events occur, but you should always be flexible as you adjust your sails with the wind and reflect on these changes.

The small steps you are taking create the movement for change to happen in your life.

When you experience or learn something new, you improve your knowledge and with it you gain more confidence. It makes you more adaptable and flexible to new circumstances in your life.

Therefore, by stepping out of your comfort zone, you become more comfortable with the unknown.

Reading books is a wonderful way to learn. You should never stop searching and acquiring more knowledge because it gives meaning to your life and changing your existence is worth it.

do not regret
You should know that regrets are facts of the past and if you spend your time thinking about it, you will miss great things of the present since the future is not yet written.

You know that you cannot change what you did or did not do in previous times, so let it go. The only thing you now have control over is how you choose to live your present and future life.

Here’s a simple way to get rid of regrets: Get some balloons and blow them up. Then write on each of them something you regret and then let them go. When you see them fly away into the sky, say goodbye to those regrets forever.

accept your fears
If you want to change your life for the better, you must learn to master your fears so that they can no longer have power over you. They are simply thoughts that you put into your mind that are not real; you simply believe they are true.

You need to understand that it is your fears in life that are keeping you from living your life to the fullest. But once you face your fears, you regain your power to decide and choose how you want to live your life and when, you change your existence forever.

You could make a list of scary things you’d like to do but are too scared to do. Make a plan and take a step to carry it out.

Think different

  • Do not generalize your negative experiences. Think instead”I can do anything I put my mind to.”
  • Don’t look at things in black or white. Think instead”I failed, but next time I won’t.
  • Don’t diminish the positive of a situation. Think instead”She said it and I believe it.
  • Notice all the things that went right instead of the things that went wrong.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions by making false interpretations without real evidence.
  • Don’t think that the way you feel right now reflects reality. Think instead”I know I am a winner!
  • Never, under any circumstances, mislabel yourself. Say instead “I’m on my way and I’m worth it!
  • Don’t limit yourself to what you should and shouldn’t do.

To close, you should know that the only person who is going to make a change in your existence is you and only you. So now, I leave you with a choice to make, about how you want to change your life for the better. If you follow my message, it will certainly change your life forever.


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