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Shiba Inu Puppies, Character and Training

Shiba Inu puppies are an absolute delight to both breed and train. From the moment they are born they are very curious about the world around them. They immediately begin to explore and search their surroundings.

The Shiba Inu dog breed usually has 3 to 5 puppies per litter. They are very small in size and look very much like large hamsters when they are born. Some Shiba Inu puppies are so small that they fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.

One amazing thing about the Shiba Inu breed is the fact that the female Shiba Inu can go into heat every three to four hours. This is quite unusual among the breed and researchers have yet to determine the reasoning behind the females’ oestrus patterns. With this in mind, it is generally easy to breed this type of dog and produce litters of Shiba Inu puppies on a fairly regular basis.

The character of Shiba Inu begins to develop when they are just puppies. They are very affectionate and gentle puppies that seek attention from their mother and also from humans. The Shiba Inu’s character is seen primarily in his need for approval and his need for attention. Shiba Inu’s character develops when they are just puppies and they continue to be faithful well into adulthood.

Shiba Inu puppies are very easy to care for when properly supervised. The female Shiba Inu will take care of her puppies and provide them with the food they need at an early stage. Once they are weaned, many owners will feed Shiba Inu puppies a diet of lamb and rice. This diet will usually make the coat of young puppies shine, which is just one of the Shiba Inu’s outward character traits.

However, you should check with your local animal care manager before making any major changes to your Shiba Inu puppies’ diet. It is very important that they receive proper nutrition while they are still in the early stages of development.

Other considerations that need to be taken into account when caring for Shiba Inu puppies is to have them checked out for any serious medical conditions. This should be done no later than three months after development. It is at this time that you will need to take your Shiba Inu puppies in for their general and government required vaccinations.

As stated above, the female will care for her cubs until it is time for them to experience life for themselves. It is at this time that they will need to transition to semi-solid foods. It is also at this time that they become more energetic and attention-seeking.

You may experience behavior like chewing on anything and everything that you can put in your mouth. This can include each other. At this young age, they are just learning their strength and sometimes playfully bite each other. Don’t be surprised if you hear them “scream” as they play rough with each other. This is part of the normal Shiba Inu character.


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