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Time to go home – Paredes

Walls: they are the ones that enclose your home from the outside world and separate the rooms inside your home. The dictionary defines walls as “a vertical structure that forms an interior partition or an exterior surface of a building.” For the purposes of this article, we will discuss the interior walls of your home.

This part of the series will be divided into painting, wallpaper, imitation techniques, and other options. I hope you visit some of the websites listed to get a more in-depth idea of ​​these different treatments. (To keep the length of these items within reason, I won’t go into, for example, how cold or warm colors affect a room, and the like.)

Paint – Paint is probably one of the least expensive improvements you can make to a room that really packs a punch. You can change the feel of a room just by painting. However, if you don’t take anything else out of this section, take this: Don’t buy paint for a room simply by following the small paint swatch you’ve bought from the paint store. Please invest a few dollars to purchase sample cans / cans of the paint color (s) you have narrowed down to. It will be a lot cheaper than having to buy gallons of a new paint color because you hate the way your first choice turned out.

What I do, and what I suggest to my clients, family and friends, is to paint their sample colors in square sections on all four walls. Each wall receives different amounts of light during the day and at night, and this affects the appearance of the color. You may find that you hate the color you loved in the paint swatch once the sun hits it. Or the one you thought was your third choice may turn out to be the winner once it’s really on the wall.

Choosing a color can be as easy as looking at what you already have in your house: a rug, a painting, your furniture, your bedding. Paint a color that makes you feel good and that you like to be around. You can get some ideas from Sherwin Williams Color Visualizer, but keep in mind that colors vary from monitor to monitor and may not be accurate.

Wallpaper – Wallpaper is becoming popular once again. Although you may not want to wallpaper any room if you plan to put your home on the market, wallpapers can add color, texture, and design to any room in your home.

Thibaut Design offers collections of wallpapers and fabrics that work together in an exact combination or to complement each other (i.e. a stripe and a floral). The website displays wallpapers and fabrics in environments, presents new collections and decoration ideas. Today’s wallpapers feature large-scale patterns with color combinations that can work in any home. Again, choose your wallpaper based on what you already have in your home in terms of décor.

I have found that apartment rules vary, so if you are renting and would like to do wallpaper, check with the landlord first. They may agree to this as long as you return the walls to the condition they were in when you rented them. Alternatively, check out some of the options listed in Other options that may appease your desire to do something different in your apartment.

Imitation Techniques ~ Imitation techniques can range from applying plaster treatments to evoke a Tuscan feel to painting a wall to look like marble. There are also wood grain, rags, sponges, faux fur, colored wash, the list goes on. This is another area where if you plan to sell your home in the near future, it would be best to steer clear. These treatments can also be extended to crown and base molding, turning your everyday basic wall into something magical. Be sure to discuss with the imitation painter you choose what your vision for the room is.

Murals fall into the category of imitation technique. There are different types of murals, tromp l’oeil (which look “real”) and pictures (like cartoons) painted on your wall. These can occupy all four walls or just one as a focal point. Sometimes they are made on canvas to facilitate their application and removal. My thanks to Susan González from Paint My Walls for explaining the differences in the murals.

Other Options ~ The following options will work well for those who call an apartment (or even a bedroom) home. These elements are removable, making it easy for you to return the walls to their current state.

Wall Words is where you can make your favorite quote with the font, size and color of your choice, or choose one of your quotes and apply it to your wall. The website has simple instructions for applying your quote. Removal is fairly simple with tweezers (possible heat from a hair dryer if they have been on for a long time) and a little Goo Be Gone or rubbing alcohol to remove any residue.

Wallies carries pre-glued cutouts and murals, vinyl decals and murals, dry erase and chalkboard. They can be removed by applying water to the cutout or decal and peeling them off. The adhesive is soluble in water. They can not only be applied to walls, but to tables, chairs and lampshades.

This series of articles is intended for entertainment purposes. The listed resources are not endorsements, but rather resources that I have personally and professionally researched for ideas, trends, and client projects. I welcome comments, emails, or questions about the articles, or even your own home decorating dilemmas.

Copyright 2009 Kathy Passarette, Creative Home Expressions.


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