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Legal Law

What is the best website design for lawyers?

I’m so sick of lawyers pouring thousands upon thousands of dollars into websites that just suck. So I decided to work with one of our Family Business Attorneys directly on the redesign and launch of their website (I’ll call him Michael for the sake of this article).

The first step was to create a wireframe for the site. If your website design doesn’t start with a wireframe, quickly find someone else to create your website.

When Michael and I spoke on the phone to discuss their wireframe, a few things came up that made me realize why attorneys end up with websites that suck. You probably haven’t received training on the purpose of each part of your website and how to make it all come together from a marketing perspective.

So you end up with a site that is pretty, but doesn’t create a relationship with your prospects. Or a site that is horribly ugly and doesn’t create a relationship with your prospects.

Many lawyers use their websites to sell their services and that is really a big mistake.

The main purpose of your website is not to sell your services. The main purpose of your site is: 1) to build a relationship with your prospects by offering them free educational material in exchange for their contact information, AND 2) to inspire them to book a new client meeting with you.

Your initial meeting with the client sells your services. Your website has just started the relationship.

I’ll say it again …

The sole purpose of your site is to build relationships with potential customers so they are informed and then they will schedule an initial exploratory meeting with you. (This is where you’ll learn how to handle this initial scoping meeting the right way to engage more clients and cash a check almost every time.)

When you are designing your site, know that there will be two types of people who visit your site, those who have been referred to it (who come to see it) and those who are actively looking for a lawyer online (shopping).

Considering the true purpose of your site and the people who will visit it, this is what the basic design of your site should look like:

Logo and contact information

Top Lead Builder

Welcome text / video


Additional elements of lead generation

First, at the top you can put your Logo and contact information.

Place your logo and phone number at the top of your page. You want people to remember your logo long after they leave your site – brand awareness. And having your phone number at the top makes it easy for people to contact you.

The next thing people should see is your Main lead generator.

In this section, you’ll want to include an image or video with a strong copy and a call to action for them to opt in to receive their free gift (email series, report, guide, case study, workbook, etc.). You want something that grabs the attention (and contact information) of your audience.

Everything must revolve around the subscription.

A big mistake many attorneys make is having their logo and some pretty images take up all of the most valuable real estate at the top of their site. Do not do this.

If people “bounce” off your site (meaning they hit the site and leave without giving you their contact information or calling you) there is no way to develop a relationship with them and you probably won’t work with them in the future. .

If you get an email address (and possibly full contact information), you will be able to build a relationship and you will be the attorney at the top of their minds when they are ready to receive your services.

This is information based on education. It offers educational content that is exactly what the people who visit your website want in exchange for their contact information. Simple.

Next is your Welcome text.

(Notice how this happens even after your subscription, staying in line with the purpose of your website.) This should be an attractive image and copy or better yet a video of you.

After that, you will want Show testimonials. If you don’t have customer testimonials, start ordering now. Rotate between 3-5 testimonials from your existing customer base.

By following their testimonials, you will have your Other Lead Generation Elements. The more educational pieces you can include, the better.

Finally, you will have a Recent articles or blog posts section.

This section will be a directory of recent articles (blogs, informational / related articles, guest articles, etc.) Always, always, always make your articles and / or blog posts not only about boring legal topics, but also include relevant and timely topics. Additional topics that come from the general news and are of interest to your target market.


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