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Which is Better – PVC Or Aluminium Window Shutters?

PVC Or Aluminium Window Shutters

If you’re in the market for new window shutters, you may be wondering: Which is better, aluminium or PVC? Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages. They differ in price, durability and maintenance requirements, and some people are more concerned about their aesthetics than their environmental impact. Fortunately, there are many advantages to both materials, so you can choose the best option for your needs.

Besides their aesthetic benefits, both materials are resistant to corrosion. Neither of them rust or corrode, making them perfect for the kitchen, bathroom, and even the bedroom. Both materials reflect light, helping to keep the interiors cooler during the summer months. However, aluminum is also conductive, meaning it can get hot or cold when exposed to sunlight. Thankfully, both materials are easy to clean and maintain, and both are good for any room of the home.

Another big advantage of PVC Shutters Melbourne is their affordability. They are considerably cheaper than aluminium shutters and are typically covered by a ten-year structure warranty. Timber shutters, however, are much more expensive. However, they are worth the higher price tag. If you want to purchase wooden shutters, you can find a great deal on these by shopping around. However, don’t forget to read the instructions carefully – the manufacturers are often more than happy to give you expert advice.

Which is Better – PVC Or Aluminium Window Shutters?

Another major advantage of PVC shutters is that they are extremely strong, lightweight, and practically indestructible. They are also waterproof, making them an excellent choice if you want them to resist moisture and water. Despite being more expensive, wood shutters are a great investment if properly maintained. Just remember to look at the shutters before you make a purchase – a sloppy finish, poor base material, or poor workmanship can ruin even the most attractive shutters.

Another advantage of PVC shutters is their energy efficiency. PVC shutters are cheaper than wooden shutters, but their slats cannot be decorated. They also offer better moisture and heat resistance. Foam synthetic shutters are also non-toxic and offer reliable insulation. These shutters are also made of aluminium braces to prevent sagging and are available in a variety of colours.

If you’re after the most durable shutters for your home, PVC shutters are the best choice. However, these shutters do not meet your aesthetic standards. They are less flexible than aluminium shutters. Aluminium shutters are also more expensive and can’t be easily adjusted to fit a window. You’ll also have to pay more for their installation. Aluminium shutters are generally stronger than PVC, but they can’t be designed as easily.

Choosing between timber and PVC shutters is not that difficult. Both materials offer advantages and disadvantages. While timber shutters are more common and cheaper, they don’t look as modern as their aluminium counterparts. Aluminium shutters can last for decades when properly cared for. However, if you’re looking for a more traditional look, timber shutters may be the best option. They’re durable and look great in Colonial homes.


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