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5 ways to exercise at work without anyone noticing

8 hours in the office, 1 hour in traffic, and 8 hours sleeping doesn’t leave you much time for weight lifting or cardio. There’s no question that butt in the office is an epidemic, but there are plenty of ways to combat the blues of the workday. There’s a reason so many people go home sore and exhausted after work, even if they don’t move much or at all. Standing for long hours or sitting motionless in your cubicle can be brutal on your body. To combat these symptoms, brief but effective exercises throughout the day can be of great help. If you’re running out of time to go to the gym, there’s no reason you can’t get in some quality mini-workouts throughout the day. Here are some great ways to get fit in your office without looking too goofy (although getting fit is never goofy!).

1. Calf Raise: Constantly sitting and not moving can cause the calf muscles to become tight and cause discomfort. Calf raises are a great, low-impact way to strengthen and tone your calf muscles. This exercise can easily be done at your desk. Here are instructions on how to do a calf raise:

  1. Stand up straight and grab a wall, chair, or your desk for balance. Your feet should be placed parallel to your hips.
  2. Raise your heels until you’re on your toes, like a ballerina, and try to balance your weight on the balls of your feet. Hold her in this position for 30 seconds to a minute and then slowly lower herself.
  3. Repeat this 15 times per set and try to complete three sets. Or as many as your rest allows you.

2. Walls: Most conventional workplaces have walls, which is great because it’s necessary for this exercise. Wall squats, or wall squats, are amazing for working out your quadriceps and hamstrings.

  1. Find a wall and place your back flat against it, feet facing you. Slowly begin to slide down the wall until your knees create a 90 degree angle (or less if you’re not ready for that yet).
  2. Hold this pose for as long as possible (20 to 60 seconds is recommended) and then return to a standing position. Repeat until you feel the burn.

3. Desk Push Ups: Using your own body weight for strength training is a wonderful method when barbells and dumbbells aren’t readily available (as is the case in most offices). While it might seem a bit strange to drop the floor and start doing conventional pushups, desk pushups are a great alternative.

  1. Stand a few meters from your desk. Place your palms on the edge of your desk so they are parallel to your shoulder.
  2. Go down until you reach the edge of your desk and back up.

4. Seated Leg Raise: If you’re a little shy about working out at work, the seated leg raise is perfect for you. Sometimes standing at your desk isn’t an option, but this isometric exercise can be done sitting behind your desk.

  1. Straighten one leg and hold the pose for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Slowly lower your leg, but don’t let your feet touch the ground.
  3. Repeat with the other leg, or both legs if you’re feeling adventurous.

5. Cardio Cube: While this isn’t a specific exercise, here are some tips for doing the little things that can really add up over time and add to your cardio workout.

  1. Tapping your toes may seem insignificant, but some studies have shown that you can burn up to 350 calories a day fidgeting. So turn on some tunes and get playing.
  2. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple solution to increase your daily cardio. The incline of walking up the stairs is great for your heart health.
  3. Walking is low impact but helps get your metabolism going. Instead of emailing your coworker, walk up to him or her. Instead of browsing your phone during a break, take a leisurely walk around the block.

These are just a fraction of the secret exercises that can be done in the privacy of your office. But exercise is not something to be ashamed of. Talk to your bosses and coworkers and get them together for office exercises. Get a basketball hoop in the parking lot, have a weekly hour-long yoga session in the conference room, ask the CEO to consider setting up a gym (because there are plenty of options for buying used gym equipment wholesale). . There are endless possibilities for exercising at work!


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