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Health Fitness

How does swimming help your physical condition?

How does swimming help your fitness level? Do you remember the feeling of looking for something that has been lost? Perhaps you feel victimized or tormented by the responsibility that you may have evaded. It’s no fun to admit that…

Kenpo P90X explained

P90X is an exercise program developed by fitness expert Tony Horton to help people get fit and totally transform their bodies in just 90 days. One of the exercise videos on the system is called Kenpo X. Not many people…

HIIT Cardio Versus Fartlek Training

HIIT cardio is the new craze sweeping gyms across Europe and North America. The reason for this… it’s fast, efficient and it works! High intensity interval training is something that athletes and runners in particular have known for a long…

Diets are only effective when you make them COUNT!

Most people, throughout their lives, gain and lose tens of pounds, if not hundreds! One of the biggest industries related to health care, probably because of this, is weight loss. diet industry etc! However, no matter how potentially, effective, and…

The benefits of using a neck skin cream

Applying a right neck skin cream is very important to maintain the overall beauty of the body. When wearing makeup, many women overlook applying makeup to the neck. Just like the face, the neck is also exposed to many harmful…

Eat tons of fiber-enriched foods to lose weight during menopause

There are many diet plans that are not too healthy for you. A high protein diet, for example, can help some people lose weight, but you don’t get the nutrients your body needs. Balance is important and you really need…

Health Fitness

Suplimente naturale pentru raceli – sunt eficiente?

naturale pentru raceli În timpul sezonului de răceală și gripă, mulți oameni apelează la suplimente naturale pentru a ajuta la ameliorarea simptomelor sau pentru a preveni apariția unei răceli. Acestea includ vitamine și ierburi, precum și medicamente fără prescripție medicală…

Paleo Diet – Lose weight and eat healthy

Paleolithic Diet: Basics Do I need a Paleo Diet Plan? 50,000 years ago, when men were hunters and gatherers, it was okay to “eat” to develop layers of fat, as that would come in handy in the winter when food…

Most gained weight during the pandemic restrictions! How will you lose weight?: 5 things to keep in mind!

A recent study indicated that most people gained weight during the period we were in, self-quarantine, or stay at home, much more, than usual! In fact, he claimed, the average weight gain was about 1.8 pounds per month, and since…

Synthetic Vitamins and Nutrient Isolates

Some articles wait until the end to give you the “juice”, but here we go, from the beginning: Your keys to a good selection of nutritional supplements are: 1. It is as close to its natural form as possible. 2….

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