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Health Fitness

Repair and maintenance of your treadmill

TREADMILL REPAIR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE The first and most important part of owning a treadmill or any piece of equipment is preventative maintenance. If you’re not currently doing this, get started today! Items needed for a good preventative maintenance program on…

Foot pain due to bunions: when to see a foot doctor

A bunion is a serious condition that affects the big toe and surrounding joints, more common in women. It occurs when the big toe bends toward the adjacent toe at an unnatural angle, causing the joint at its base, the…

Kre Alkalyn Side Effects: Are You In Danger?

Honestly, when I researched this supplement, I couldn’t find out much about Kre Alkalyn side effects. If taken correctly, it would appear that people taking the supplement do not experience any side effects. It should be noted that if you…

Exercise: Is it really less important than diet for weight loss?

I’ve been hearing for some time now that when it comes to losing weight, exercise isn’t king. Diet is paramount. I mean, the NY Times said it, so it must be true.1 To be fair, they cited a lot of…

Lose all your stubborn belly fat

Lose ALL Your Stubborn Belly Fat (3 Steps) – See Fat Loss Results in Just 1 Week So you want to know how to lose all that stubborn belly fat, aka pot belly, beer belly, spare tire, bread bin, and…

Firm Your Butt In 3 Weeks – Free Diet Ebooks

To firm up your butt, you may no longer need laborious routines like gym membership or spend precious time just showing off your butt. Eating right and regularly doing at least three of the following exercises designed to firm up…

7 winter dog care tips

Just as we take care of ourselves, or our skin and hair during the winter, our canine friends also need proper care. Take a look at the 7 tips for caring for dogs in winter. Show her that her comfort…

Personal fitness: you have time

Who has time to exercise after a full day of work, manage their children’s extracurricular activities, homework, bathroom and other daily routines, walk the dog, cook a [healthy?] dinner for the family and so on ad nauseam? Well you do,…

The best home exercises for busy moms

Juggling work, kids, family, and even friends can be tough. There’s so much going on in modern lifestyles that it’s so hard to even find an extra five minutes to relax or even exercise. If you’re already feeling overwhelmed with…

Deciphering the Nutrition Facts Panel

As a foodie and nutrition expert, I’m always on top of what’s really in the food I greedily devour on a daily basis. If you haven’t already, you should also consider what’s in your food more closely. Being unaware of…

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