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Legal Law

Activating the law of giving and receiving

It is one of the universal principles of wealth creation that the more you give, the more you receive. You’ve probably heard this principle repeated many times and in many different ways. You may know this as the principle (or…

Small Business Marketing for Sales Growth

Most small business owners would agree on the need to have a plan for sales growth. However, too many small businesses rely on “sales push” and too few set up proper marketing strategies for sales growth. Most marketing experts suggest…

The ridiculous resilience of red light cameras

Red light cameras have been the nightmare of many drivers for several years. Since 2007, the State of Florida has relied on these traffic cameras to supplement (largely) the revenue of the various municipalities that employ their use. This despite…

The best spousal support lawyer

As happy as one is when married, it is ten times more depressing when the same marriage falls apart. Not only is it stressful for the parties involved, but there are a number of legal formalities that only escalate once…

Leaving Jury Duty: What Excuse Is Acceptable?

Everybody hates getting that notice in the mail. The first question that crosses your mind is how do I get out of this? Well, there are excuses that will allow you to get out of this service. Do you really…

Advantages of the Cyprus economic zone for Russian companies

Nicosia, June 27, 2008 – Cyprus is one of the most advantageous places of residence for Russian and Ukrainian companies. It offers a high level of banking, auditing, accounting and legal services, as well as its real estate, which made…

Brazilian Carnival Divas – Drum Queens Section, Explanation

In this article we will describe the Goddesses of the Brazilian Carnival, called Queens of the Drum Section, or “Rainha de Bateria” in Portuguese. Carnival Drum Queens, Queen of the Drums or Percussions Muse, are some names that translators give…

Divorce: 5 tips if you are called as a witness

If you are called as a witness in a divorce case, you probably have chosen a side. After all, your friend, relative, or employer is the one who asked you for help, it’s natural to feel loyalty to that person….

State lines and PI: to cross or not to cross

State and IP lines: to cross or not to cross, that is the question. A Shakespearean enigma. Your driver’s license is accepted in all 50 states. So is your marriage license. What about your IP license? NASIR stated, several years…

Warning signs that he or she may not be the one

We’ve all looked back on past relationships and said, “What was I thinking?” The problem is that you weren’t thinking. You were so caught up in the chemistry and wonderful feelings of the moment that you chose to miss some…

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