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General Knowledge Quizzes – Engage the audience with additional trivia

All general knowledge quiz compilers know that if they don’t get it right, they’ll not only turn off the audience, but it means they’re less likely to come back for the next quiz. Some general knowledge tests may come from books, the Internet, or other forms of publications. There is no problem with this and it will save a lot of time, but you have to make sure that you are not breaking any copyright laws. These questions can also be very bland and direct with little background information and that in itself can put people off. Nowadays, more and more people want a little more information about Q&A so that they can at least go back and start using it.

Collecting engaging general knowledge questions is not a difficult task and you just need to do that little bit extra to make them more interesting.

  1. Make sure you have some good interesting resources to get your general knowledge questions to compile and complete the quiz. Books like encyclopedias are ideal, but the Internet is also helpful. Be careful when taking them off websites like Wiki as these are not always trustworthy and may actually contain a lot of false data. Be careful with your resource.
  2. If you’re picking out some great questions, why not give a little more? Write the question first and then put, for example, which two people had a famous duet in xxxx year while they were both married with sisters. What other song have you both done as soloists? Getting that little tidbit at the beginning makes it even more interesting instead of the usual “What year did you win the world cup blah?”, a bit boring and also since it doesn’t have any other information, non-sports fans will be bored.
  3. Create your own unique way to get some extra data in the general knowledge quiz. It could be on pause while you give people a chance to respond or think about the answer to the question. It could be as discussed at the beginning, you could even try it in the interval stages. Get some sort of trivia fact on some of the questions, but not all.
  4. Apply your skills and develop yourself. Make yourself known as a great general knowledge quiz writer and gain respect. This will mean that you could even develop quizzes for websites that sell them. Getting paid for your work. If you want to go this route, that’s fine, but remember that you’ll be asked to prove that it’s all your own work.
  5. Join test forums and other things. Visit websites that specialize in having other users develop questions and answers. Don’t be shy about posting your own stuff and see how many get it right. Try other quiz questions. You’ll find that these are great places to get feedback and learn.

Always try to improve. To be on top of your game, you need to increase your general knowledge in the bonus trivia quiz. Keep looking for ways to improve and become more proficient with tips as part of your general knowledge quizzes.


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