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Health Fitness

What high-protein foods are healthy and help you lose weight?

Protein-rich foods help you lose weight. How? Very simple. Protein builds muscle and, in turn, muscle burns fat. You’ve probably heard that many times from personal trainers and if you haven’t, now you know.

If you want to lose weight it is very important to eat a diet rich in protein along with fruits and vegetables. Also don’t forget about complex carbohydrates. Don’t eat simple carbohydrates like pizza, white pasta, and white sugar. Instead, nourish your body with complex carbohydrates like brown rice, sprouted bread, and fruits.

So what are the protein rich foods that help you lose weight? There are two main sources of protein: animal and vegetable. The name says it all. The first, protein of animal origin, comes from animals. For example: cottage cheese, ground turkey, cold cuts, whey protein powder, cheese, butter, etc. Plant sources of protein consist of quinoa, soy milk, brown rice protein powder, tofu, etc.

Not all protein sources are the same and are good for you or help you lose weight. You have to know what protein sources are essential for weight loss and, more importantly, when to consume them.

Do you exercise regularly with the goal of losing weight? If so, did you know that to build muscle, you need to eat foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates within 20 to 60 minutes after finishing your workout? If you do it later, you’ve missed a window of opportunity! Your body needs protein immediately after training and if you don’t provide additional protein within that time frame, it will use up the protein within your body – your muscle.

Animal sources of protein are great for you. Be sure to look for lean proteins, like extra lean ground turkey. You could buy extra lean ground beef, but did you know that beef contains 75 calories and 8g more fat than turkey as in a 4 oz burger comparison box? Also be sure to buy organic and / or all-natural meats and other sources of protein. Why? Because they contain fewer additives, pesticides, hormones, and preservatives that, in turn, affect weight loss and overall health. Look for low carb recipes made with real food when you cook.

What Plant Sources of Protein Are Good for Weight Loss? The best is quinoa and brown rice protein powder. That’s on my list. You should be very careful with soy products, as 85% of soybeans in North America are genetically modified and high in estrogen. So is tofu good for weight loss? Only organic and in limited quantities.


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