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What is the best way to burn abdominal fat?

The best way to burn belly fat is with the three simple letters TUT. Do you know what these letters mean? TUT stands for time under tension, which is what you need to increase if you want to get rid of that unsightly belly fat. The best way to get rid of this fat once and for all is to simply flex and clench your abs repeatedly while you’re in the checkout line or even sitting at your desk. How simple is that?

There’s no need to spend a fortune at the gym or on diet pills and potions, which promise results but unfortunately rarely work. These fabulously effective exercises and diet tips will burn belly fat fast; guaranteed!

Getting rid of excess abdominal fat requires the knowledge and implementation of a diet based on good nutrition. That means saying no to chips, donuts, and fatty foods that are full of empty calories, and stocking your fridge and pantry with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish. Say goodbye to processed and packaged foods, too. It also means eliminating sugary drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol. Try drinking water instead!

You’ll literally need to feel the burn of cardio and weight training to shed years of unwanted belly fat buildup! Belly fat requires a lot of aerobic or cardiovascular exercises.

Arm swing between legs: With tight abs and straight back; Keep your hands between your legs, then shoot straight up with your arms swinging out in front and above your head. The key here is to keep those abs tight while you do it! Works great with or without weights!


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